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Chapter 108 – The Destined Jinx

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Author: Resn Original Source: Kakuyomu
Translator: Nomad English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

Why did it have to end like this?

After dinner, the group went out again. Everything was dark now, so even with the renewed paths, it was hard to navigate around the darkness, and Kou could not help but lament to herself.

Earlier, when they were still having dinner…

“A test of courage? Of course, why not? I’m sure it’ll be a nice memory.”
“Thank you very much, mother!”

Kikyo gave a happy reply while patting the head of her beloved daughter, who was hugging her tightly in appreciation for giving her permission. Watching that pair, Kou broke into a cold sweat.

The beachside was illuminated to make it visible from the fifth floor’s balcony. Next to it was a lounge with a buffet for dinner, which everyone was thoroughly enjoying.

By now Kikyo, Sara, and Hisui had really opened up to each other, after spending a day at the hot springs and having a ladies’ reunion in one of their rooms (accompanied with alcohol.)

After that, they joined the rest to have dinner together, which was when Hinagiku approached her mother and asked if they could go out and have a test of courage.

“That sounds like fun. Maybe I can go too?”

Kikyo was more into it than anyone expected. While she had a rather calm appearance, her personality was more on the intrepid side.

That also meant that Kou’s fate had already been sealed the moment the decision was left to Kikyo’s response, and only now she was becoming aware of that.

“Well… If the youngest has permission, then I guess we can do it… Are you okay, Kou?”
“aHaha, i’M finee, that’S so Good, right hiNAgikU?”
“…Your voice is all over the place.”

Ryunosuke was worried about Kou, but she did not want to take away from the enjoyment of Hinagiku, so she strained her voice and did her best to act normal.

“Alright, then I guess we can do it after dinner…”
“Yeah, we should definitely go, all of us.”

Saying that, Kikyo glanced at Kou with interest. It was obvious, she really wanted to see the frightened reaction from such a cute girl. All Kou could do in response was gulp in fear, completely frozen like a deer in the headlights.

That was how now they found themselves taking a walk around the island at night.

There were no regular street lights there, and instead the path was illuminated with garden lanterns that created a more mysterious atmosphere, and by then Kou was clinging to Hijiri’s sleeve with tears in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Subaru was comforting Miyuki, who was also frightened.

“Mother! Hurry up!”
“Calm down Hinagiku, you might trip if you run around so much.”

Hinagiku was running around in front of the group, full of excitement, but Kikyo was somehow keeping up with her walking.

Wait, what’s that? She’s not…running? I think my eyes are bugging out.

Even if there was a difference in height, it seemed impossible for an adult to walk at the same speed as a running elementary schooler. But seeing that happen inflicted more psychological damage on Kou.

“Soo… Exactly where are we going, Kikyo?”
“Heheh, one of the guides told me the shrine grounds up here look really pretty at night.”
“Ah… So the test of courage thing was just an excuse to go see that?”

Hearing that, Kou let out a sigh of relief. Ryunosuke was also nodding along, so apparently he already knew that. That also gave Kou a newfound admiration for the ability of adults to turn situations around. And it also easened her burden.

Eventually, they reached the stairs leading to those shrine grounds in the center of the island, where…


The main building of Island City was lit up, making it seemingly float within the darkness, while the sea stretched far beyond reflecting the stars as a rainbow glimmer.

Just for that moment, Kou began to feel like the scary walk there had been worth it after all.

Considering how pretty the backdrop was, Kou suggested that they take some pictures there, and volunteered to be the first one photographing the rest.

“Everyone, get ready!”

Hearing that, everyone started trying out different poses for the picture. At the same time, Kou activated the camera function of her NLD…



The camera display’s face recognition system showed yellow frames everywhere on the screen, even though there was nothing there, and a multitude of alarms started blaring out.

It was almost like the world had waited for Kou to lower her guard before spooking her, and that took away the last bit of energy she had, so she broke into a loud scream…

“Hm…so you’re the ones here?”
“Oh, Auntie Amari?”

A white figure arrived there and spoke to the group. Hijiri was the first one to notice her, Amari, who was supposed to be busy with work at that time.

“In the flesh. I was told an extremely loud scream was heard from here, so I was asked to come check what happened…”
“Ahahah…well, as you can see…”

Hijiri showed Kou, who had gotten paralyzed with fear, her eyes looking blank, and would only move when Hijiri and Subaru tugged on her hands.

They returned to Island City like that, and Kou only regained consciousness when there were more people around in a well lit area.

“Ghahahah! I see, I guess she’ll never be able to handle ghosts!”
“Ugh… Mom, you don’t have to laugh about it like that!”

Amari cackled loudly as she said that, and Kou seemed miffed about it.

“Sorry, sorry. It just reminded me of the times when you’d watch a scary movie and then you’d always end up in my bed or Sora’s. That brings me back…”
“Th-That was like a decade ago!!”

Kou’s face went beet red as Amari openly talked about an embarrassing memory. Meanwhile, everyone watched them with warm smiles. After that, they headed back to the beach to play with the fireworks Amari had brought.

This time, they were not in the beach enclosed within Island City, but an outdoors one specifically for fireworks and barbecue. Soon, they could smell gunpowder nearby. That was a sign that they were authentic fireworks, and not the low temperature chemical ones that had been developed for safety in recent years.

They were mostly sparklers, and Amari had brought them in a wooden box, and claimed that each one had been handmade. Everyone in the group quickly gathered around the box realizing how special they were.

Once lit, they produced a crackling sound as a small sparkling fireball traveled along them, creating a beautiful but frail light. Amari watched them in silence with nostalgic eyes, until she decided to say something to Kou.

“…They might be a mischievous kind, but don’t hold it against them. Those like us, able to see them, tend to produce the best reactions after all. And you had fun with your friends too, did you not?”
“…They were really going after me then?”

Kou refused to acknowledge the word spirits, since it was scary.

“Yes, they were. You’ve gotten quite popular.”

The spirits, or more specifically children ghosts, seemed to be rather attracted to Kou, and Amari could see a bunch of them behind her even then.

That was something that Kou would take as a joke or try to play off if anyone else told her, but she was more inclined to believe it since it came from her mother. The only silver lining was that Amari guaranteed that Island City had measures set in place so they would not follow Kou inside.


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