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Chapter 99 – Invitation and offline meeting

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Author: Resn Original Source: Kakuyomu
Translator: Nomad English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

The next day, Kou’s period continued.

“Are you alright? Is anything bothering you?”

“Do you need any meds?”

“Thanks, but I’m fine… I have everything I need.”

Since they would be having exams soon, Kou properly attended school that day. But as soon as she set foot in the classroom, she was swarmed by her female classmates, all of whom looked concerned for her.

They already had the misconception that she was a sickly girl, so they were extremely worried that she had been overworking herself to study for the exams. Kou still felt like they were exaggerating and treating her like she was much younger, but she did not mention that out loud.

She could tell that everyone was worried about her, so as flustering as it was to be surrounded by so many girls, she did her best to smile and show she was alright.

The overprotective nature of her classmates continued throughout the morning, which still puzzled her, and eventually their classes came to an end.

Usually, schools would only hold morning classes during exam season, but at Morinomiya High, they also had optional classes later on which students could opt to attend if they felt they needed to review past topics before the exams. Kou and her friends went to one of the special classrooms used for that and began eating lunch there.

“Kou, are you alright? You aren’t pushing yourself too hard, are you?”

“I’m actually doing better than I thought. Those pills mom gave me are really effective, and I’m feeling way better today.”

Hijiri sounded concerned, but Kou was telling the truth. She was in less pain than the first day, and she was only feeling mildly sick. On the other hand, the rate of discharge had increased compared to the previous day, so she needed to switch them out more frequently, and she still felt uncomfortable with how bulky they were. But that was something she did not feel the need to mention.

Hijiri had also suggested tampons if it became too hard to manage, but the moment Kou held the applicator, she noped out, terrified of pushing that inside her body.

But that was that. There were only half as many important classes in a day, but since Kou had missed one day, she felt like she was falling behind and needed to catch up again.

Her friends took pity on her because of that, and also stuck with her for the special reviewing lessons. Amari knew that would happen, so she had prepared a special lunchbox, packed with enough food that even the twins and the class president could eat their share from it, and that was exactly what they did.

“Oh yeah, that message you sent last night…”

Kou and the twins had mostly been talking about the topics they were studying, even while eating lunch, when suddenly the class president switched topics.

“Last night? Ahh, the summer trip?”

“Yeah… Are you sure you want to invite someone like me there? It looks like a really fancy place…”

“Of course. You’ve helped me a lot, so it’s the least I can do to return the favor, you know?”

The class president felt some apprehension about accepting such an invitation, but Kou just smiled to reassure her. Kou still remembered how the class president had embarrassed herself to help Kou (at least in her mind), and she had even told that story to her parents, who agreed that Kou should invite the class president. So Kou mentioned that (in a very brief manner) to the class president, managing to reassure her. After sighing to relieve the tension, she looked at Kou and Hijiri.

“In that case… Mitsuki, Hijiri, there’s something very important we have to do.”

““What do you mean?””

“…I really thought at least one of you would’ve thought of it already.”

Kou and Hijiri tilted their heads cluelessly, and the class president shook her head in disappointment.

“We’re going to the beach, right? Do you know what that means? Swimsuits. We need to buy swimsuits.”

“Ohhh… Yes, you’re right, that’s very important, prez.”

“Now we’re talking!”

Hijiri was the first to reply, showing an excited reaction. She happily held the class president’s hands, and then both turned to look at Kou with twinkling eyes. Their sheer determination was obvious in their eyes, something that made Kou let out a slight squeal, but then both of them took hold of her shoulders.

““Kou, let’s go buy swimsuits when the exams are over!””


Kou was instantly pressured into nodding, knowing that they would not allow her to say anything else.

“Well…good luck with that.”

Subaru replied in a detached voice, downing a pack of banana soy milk after his meal. He was already dreading that day, knowing that he would be taken there to be their carrying mule.


Eventually, the optional classes also came to an end, and Kou went back home. She was still worried about her condition, especially dreading the possibility of the pad overflowing while she was logged into the game, so she decided she would only be in Destiny Unchain Online for a short time, mostly to hear the responses from her friends.

“Sorry for not logging in yesterd-”



As soon as she logged in, and before she could react, she was embraced and her face stuffed into a pair of soft lumps. The alchemist robes of the one doing that also showed plenty of cleavage, which was where Crim’s face ended up.

“Thank you so much for inviting me! I don’t care if my boss penalizes me or fires me and I have to live off my savings, I’m going with you!!”

“…Ghah…alright…got it…please…let go…my HP!”

Jade was hugging Crim with so much force that Crim’s face turned red and then pale blue, her voice struggling to come out as she could not breathe.

“I really thought I was…done for… And this time for real.”

“Ahahah, I’m sowwie.”

Crim glared at her enraged, but Jade just pleaded in a playful manner. Ticking damage from suffocation was always active, even in safe areas with PvP disabled, and Crim was wheezing loudly trying to breathe properly again, while her HP bar rapidly flashed red in her peripheral vision.

“Is it me…or have I been nearly killed…way too many times like that..?”

She asked that once she had recovered enough to talk again, and the usual culprit of that, Freya, just looked away while trying to act innocent. But Crim continued to stare intently at her and Jade.

“…I mean, with your height you’ll end up there no matter what.”

Frey added that while trying to avoid direct eye contact, and then completely turned away when Crim glared at him instead.

“Hey, Crim. Thank you for inviting my family.”

“Thank you very much.”

Ryunosuke and Lycoris were there too, and they thanked Crim as well.

“You’re welcome. Sara couldn’t make it tonight?”

“She’s working the night shift.”

“Mama said she’s working all of tonight.”

“Yeahh, today she requested to cover the night shift.”

Ryunosuke, Lycoris, and Jade all replied the same thing. Jade went into a bit more detail, explaining that Sara had asked to switch out her shifts with her colleagues so that she would be granted paid leave during the days of the trip. Jade and Sara worked in different departments, but they still knew a lot about each other.

“Does that mean…”

“Yeah, opportunities like these don’t come often, so the three of us will make sure we can go. Thanks, Crim.”

Saying that, Ryunosuke smiled and began patting Crim’s head. Now the only one left to confirm was Hinagiku, who was still in elementary school and needed to cross the high hurdle of being allowed to spend a few nights away from home. But just as Crim began thinking about her…


“Woah?! Hinagiku..?”

A small figure logged in and tackled Crim as soon as she appeared. It was none other than Hinagiku.

“Are we going to the beach? The sea?! It sounds so fun! I’ve never traveled so far before, so I can’t wait!!”

Hinagiku was really excited like a small puppy, happily clinging to Crim. It was rare for her to display so much enthusiasm, compared to her usual prim and proper attitude.

“So…does this mean your parents gave you permission to go?”

“Yes, my mother said yes as soon as I told her she can go with me as well. But my father isn’t available as he’s busy with work, so he asked through tears for my mother to send him many pictures.”

All Crim knew about Hinagiku’s mother was that she was the one who introduced Hinagiku to the ways of the sword, and was also a radicalized PK killer. Crim recalled that while also feeling a bit of pity for Hinagiku’s father who would not be able to go.

Knowing that Hinagiku’s mother would go as her guardian made Crim curious to meet her, but also a bit afraid.

“Master. Is something wrong?”

“It…It’s nothing!”

There was no way Crim would tell Hinagiku what she thought of her mother, so she just gave a vague smile and played it off. At least now she had gotten a reply from everyone.

“It’s safe to say we’ll all go then, right?”

Crim asked everyone present, and they nodded at once.

And so, the first offline meeting for the guild Lua Cheia was arranged as a trip to a southern island.


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