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Chapter 86 – Love for Bai Yu

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Dragon Girl, ranked third, just below her and Nightmare.

There were very few women among these lunatics. For various reasons, the proportion of females was already pitifully low. Previously, there was even a lunatic who specifically hunted female game participants. Because this guy was quite strong, the already scarce number of women was reduced even further.

Later, this guy provoked Dragon Girl in a waiting area of a certain world and was killed when she ate his head.

Killing was forbidden in the waiting area, as it would incur terrifying punishments that even she didn’t dare to face. Not only did Dragon Girl dare to kill there, but she also endured and survived the consequences.

Of course, this only demonstrated Dragon Girl’s immense strength and resilience, as well as her extreme madness. She was quite attractive, and if not for her overly flat chest, she might even rival Zhao Mingyue, the female protagonist, in beauty—provided she didn’t transform.

The key issue was her relationship with Dragon Girl.

Bai Yu herself didn’t know what unforgivable sin she had committed to catch Dragon Girl’s attention, especially since Dragon Girl was known to despise men.

For some inexplicable reason, she became the focus of Dragon Girl’s terrifying affection. That frightening possessiveness meant that anyone within her range, regardless of gender, who even spoke a word to Bai Yu would be remembered by Dragon Girl and promptly eliminated.

This included other game participants as well as characters within the story world.

Dragon Girl’s affection was far more terrifying than the group of lunatics currently pursuing Lu Liangting.

At least they wouldn’t lay a hand on Lu Liangting, and their favorability was earned through their own efforts.

Dragon Girl was different. As soon as she saw Bai Yu, she would abandon everything—enemies, rewards—and charge straight at her.

Not to give her a loving embrace, but to blast her with a faceful of dragon breath.

Bai Yu didn’t know what trauma Dragon Girl had experienced that made her believe loved ones had to be dead, as only then would they never betray her.

They had fought no less than five times because of this, and each time Bai Yu had retreated first.

It wasn’t that she couldn’t defeat Dragon Girl. In those situations, she was confident she could kill Dragon Girl, though she would be severely injured or even near death herself.

The main reason was that there was no need to do so.

She had no grudge against Dragon Girl, and killing her wouldn’t bring any benefits. It was better to avoid a fight than to engage in one.

This continued until the final mission, which was now.

Before entering this world, Dragon Girl had declared in front of all the lunatics that she would find Bai Yu in the next world and kill her.

She remembered Dragon Girl’s classic line:

“I’m so excellent, so powerful, so beautiful. Why won’t you be with me forever? Kill me, or let me kill you.”

As for her view on Dragon Girl,

It was simple.

She wished this lunatic would just die.

She wasn’t a *********. She wouldn’t fall for Dragon Girl just because of her “passion.” Far from love, she felt more disgusted. If Dragon Girl weren’t so strong, she would have killed her long ago to avoid all this trouble.

So when she saw that her second redemption target was Dragon Girl, Bai Yu fell silent.

“I guess I’ll just kill her this time.”

In a dilapidated courtyard on the far west side of Pingshan Village, Zhao Mingyue rummaged through her backpack and found the key. The key was still intact in her care, but the lock on the old house’s door was covered in rust.

Strangely, as soon as she touched the lock, it fell off. Whether it was due to rust or someone tampering with it, she couldn’t tell.

Zhao Mingyue didn’t pay much attention. An abandoned house would naturally be like this.

“This is my home. I lived here for six years.”

The entrance to Zhao Mingyue’s house also had black cloth and scissors hanging, covered in dust and cobwebs.

There was no high threshold or talisman. Zhao Mingyue pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The courtyard was small, a little quadrangle. There were no weeds, only traces of dead weeds, and a pervasive smell of decay.

“Hey, why is the main door open too?” Zhao Mingyue walked into the courtyard and, after taking a couple of steps, noticed that the main room’s door was ajar. The half-open door blocked the light, making it hard to see inside.

The room was dark and frightening. No one knew what might be hiding inside, ready to pounce as she approached.

“Don’t go.” Bai Yu raised her hand to stop Zhao Mingyue. “There’s something inside.”

Zhao Mingyue blinked and turned on her phone’s flashlight.

Bai Yu walked ahead, with Zhao Mingyue following behind.

With a kick, Bai Yu opened the door, and both of them immediately saw the figure crouched in the corner.

“Who are you?” Zhao Mingyue asked.

It was normal for an old house to have a certain smell, but as soon as Zhao Mingyue entered, she realized something was off. This smell wasn’t like mold, and with the door open, any moldy smell shouldn’t be that strong.

The source of this strange odor seemed to be emanating from the figure crouched by the wall.

The room had been mostly cleared out, leaving only dusty tables, stools, and chairs. In this empty space, the figure by the wall was particularly noticeable.

“A corpse.” Bai Yu walked over and squatted beside the figure in the corner.

Earlier, she couldn’t be sure what this thing was, having never seen anything like it. Getting closer confirmed her suspicion. “Don’t come over, it’s a wax corpse.”

The figure crouched by the wall was dressed in tattered rags like a beggar, eyes closed, holding a broken bowl. Something was smeared over its body, completely devoid of any “human” quality. Without looking closely, one might mistake it for a paper figure or wax statue.

And if it were a paper figure or wax statue, it would be too “lifelike,” with every detail resembling a “living person.”

The wax corpse had its head lowered, making it hard to see its facial expression.

Zhao Mingyue stood aside, unsure whether to laugh or cry.

For a corpse, especially a wax-sealed one, to be lying in her own home was simply too absurd.

The main door and the hall door couldn’t have been opened by this thing, right?

If someone else did it, who would be so idle as to carry a corpse inside?

After leaving and closing the door behind her, Zhao Mingyue sighed deeply. “Looks like the things from the later village have already spread here. Or maybe they’ve always been here, and it’s just gotten worse now.”

If she hadn’t come into contact with this world, she wouldn’t have believed it.

To think that this place was only a little over twenty kilometers from the city center, a mere twenty-odd kilometers from the bustling, civilized world. Who could have imagined such things happening in this small mountain village? Didn’t anyone notice?

“Bai Yu, what should we do now?”

Zhao Mingyue felt helpless, at a loss for where to start. The fear she hadn’t fully suppressed was resurfacing.

Anyone would be scared to return to a house they hadn’t lived in for years and find a wax corpse inside.

Even more terrifying was the possibility that this wax corpse hadn’t been brought in by someone else but had walked in on its own.

This was just the main hall. What about the other rooms? Were there more wax corpses lying there too?

Looking at the entire village, how many such wax corpses were there?

She didn’t understand where all the wax came from to seal these corpses.

It could only be said that this was the evil god’s reward. The “immortality” the followers asked for—could wax corpses be a form of immortality?

“Wait until nightfall, wait for Lu Liangting to arrive.”

Bai Yu patted Zhao Mingyue’s shoulder.



At the same time, looking at the string of question marks on the black phone screen, Lu Liangting felt a heavy weight in his heart. “Zhao Mingyue” had already told him the general situation there. Just hearing her description, he knew it was nothing like his previous mission locations. Now it seemed it might be even more dangerous than he thought.

“I don’t know if I can make it back alive.”

“Mingyue, I have to save you. And that place might also be my opportunity, my future opportunity.”

Danger and opportunity coexist, a principle Lu Liangting understood well. However, if Zhao Mingyue weren’t there, he definitely wouldn’t go so early. He would wait until he was stronger before going.

Lu Liangting clenched his fist, his eyes firm.

He didn’t believe he was someone with exceptionally good luck, nor the protagonist of a novel or manhua who would suddenly gain power in difficult situations or have some mysterious expert come to the rescue.

The previous times that ghost named Bai Yu saved him were just coincidences. It wouldn’t always be so coincidental that Bai Yu would come to his rescue whenever he encountered danger.

He knew he was just an ordinary person with money, so this time, he would be extremely, extremely careful.

Ultimately, he had to rely on himself!

After rescuing Zhao Mingyue, he would immediately flee, regardless of the mission.

Opportunities existed, but will he have the life to seize them?

If he ran this time, he could come back later when he was better prepared.

“Wait for me, Mingyue.”

He silently reassured himself. Seeing that the distance was about right, Lu Liangting patted the shoulder of the motorcycle driver. “Sir, don’t go any further. It’s dangerous ahead. Just drop me off here.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the kind motorcycle driver’s head suddenly rotated 180 degrees, his decayed, horrifying face imprinting itself in Lu Liangting’s eyes. The motorcycle not only didn’t slow down but actually sped up.

A ghost peeked out from the bridge and was startled to see the speeding motorcycle. But out of goodwill, she still helped Lu Liangting.

The motorcycle flipped into the ditch, and Lu Liangting rolled a couple of times on the cement road before coming to a stop.

He paid it no mind, dusted himself off, and continued on his way. But he soon encountered another problem.

“A ghost wall? Is it trying to make me go back? No, I can’t go back!”



At the same time, Shen Shuyun sent out a message on her phone.

She had called all the lunatics she knew. This group of lunatics also had their own circles, and she believed many would eventually show up.

“I don’t know what game the Doctor is playing, even calling Lu Liangting. That damn brat can’t be allowed to die there.”

“I have a cooperative relationship with the Doctor, she wouldn’t screw me over, right?”

After much deliberation, Shen Shuyun still decided to set off.

Knowing full well there was danger ahead, it could be the Doctor gathering patients for a grand meeting to discuss treatment.

But isn’t that interesting?

“I want to see rivers of blood!”


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