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Chapter 85 – Lu Liangting: Bai Yu, I ***

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Zhao Yingcai lay motionless on the ground. After revealing the true name of the Tongue Goddess, he was killed. His tongue was cut out, and his life force rapidly drained away. The most noticeable sign was his corpse visibly turning ashen gray.

It wasn’t the usual pallor of death but a shade of gray, as if all the original colors had been wiped away.

This village was filled with an eerie atmosphere, just as she had expected.

Wherever an evil god existed, there would be strange phenomena. These beings were far more terrifying than ghosts. Ghosts kill in ways that can be traced, but an evil god can kill invisibly with a mere thought or curse.

“Mingyue, listen to me. Don’t speak at all right now. This village is more troublesome than you think. Curses are everywhere. Your voice could easily become the source of a curse.”

“The power of evil gods mainly comes from this. Compared to ghosts, they actually have more limitations, so being extremely cautious is the best defense.”

“See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”

“These are the three major evil gods I’ve learned about in your village so far.”

“The east side, where your uncle worships, is the ‘Speak No Evil’ god, whose true name is the Divine Tongue Mother.”

“From what we know, tongues and voices are under her control.”

Bai Yu patiently explained to Zhao Mingyue while leading her towards the west side of the village.

“Chen Yun, the woman I killed that day, the power of the talismans she held came from the ‘See No Evil’ god. I don’t know its true name, but I’m certain that one of my old friends has been here.”

“We need to be wary not only of the evil gods and villagers here but also of that group.”

“Right now, we’re in the former village. There is danger, but it’s not too great.”

“Our task this time is simple. Under the premise of staying alive, learn as much as possible about the secrets here. That way, when we go to the later village, we’ll be more prepared and have a greater chance of survival.”

“Avoiding the problem won’t solve it. I know this place is like a nightmare for you.”

“As I said before, don’t be afraid. I’m here with you.”

“I’ll help you resolve everything.”

“All you need to do is trust me.”

Zhao Mingyue’s issue had to be resolved without delay. Bai Yu was prepared to expose her identity this time. There was no other way; it was a necessary sacrifice.

To resolve this matter as quickly and safely as possible and to buy more time, the simplest method was actually quite straightforward.

Call Lu Liangting over and spread the news, letting those lunatics come and fight over it themselves.

When one or two lunatics were lurking in the shadows, it was indeed dangerous having to constantly be on guard against them jumping out.

But when a group of lunatics gathered here, the situation would be completely different.

Relatively speaking, it might not even be that dangerous.

The consequence would be that the power of the evil gods might be seized by some lucky and powerful individual.

The key difference was that the evil gods were actively targeting Zhao Mingyue, while those lunatics were not. They had too many targets and too many concerns.

Also, those lunatics weren’t stupid. They wouldn’t allow the evil gods to grow unchecked. They would suppress or eliminate the evil gods while maximizing their own gains.

Just as Bai Yu finished speaking, Zhao Mingyue also arrived at the west side of the village, the domain of the ‘Hear No Evil’ god.

She pointed to her mouth, wanting to ask if she could speak here.

“It should be fine here, but you don’t necessarily have to speak aloud,” Bai Yu reminded her. Only then did Zhao Mingyue remember that she could communicate with Bai Yu mentally.

“Bai Yu, you said there are only three evil gods here, but didn’t you also say there’s one in my body? Is the one in my body one of these three?”

Hearing this, Bai Yu shook her head. “As far as I know, there are only three. We don’t have any clues about the one in your body yet. To find it, we’ll probably have to go to the back mountain.”

“Mm-hmm, it doesn’t matter. Three or four, they’re all bad things anyway. If we can kill them, let’s kill them all.” Zhao Mingyue linked arms with Bai Yu, a fierce yet cute expression on her face. “If needed, you can possess me anytime!”

Bai Yu was taken aback but still nodded.

Possession might actually be useful.

“Bai Yu, what should we do next?”

“Your phone.”


“Send a message to Lu Liangting, ask him to come over.”

To Lu Liangting, Bai Yu’s heart must be pitch-black. Of course, he didn’t know that. After all, beneath that pitch-black heart was an irresistibly sweet exterior.

“Is… is that really okay?” Zhao Mingyue said hesitantly, even as she pulled out her phone, opened the messaging app, and tapped on Lu Liangting’s distinctive lotus avatar.

Her gaze clearly asked, “What should I write?”

Bai Yu took the phone. “Lu Liangting probably won’t die. They won’t let him die.”

It was fine to let those lunatics come, but protective measures were needed.

And that protective measure would naturally be Lu Liangting.

Bai Yu didn’t believe that with Lu Liangting here, those lunatics would still have enough attention to focus on her and Zhao Mingyue. By then, the other lunatics’ scrambling, ghost interference, Lu Liangting’s safety, his favorability, and the power of the evil gods would all be key points to distract them.

“Tonight will be very lively.”

After composing the message, Bai Yu sent it directly, along with their location.

This place was remote, but it was still close enough to the city to have a signal, and the chaotic yin-yang magnetic field didn’t affect phone usage.

Bai Yu thought, there’s no reason a place like this wouldn’t be a mission on the black phone.

The reason Zhao Mingyue and Lu Liangting’s phones hadn’t triggered was simple: the level here was too high; they weren’t qualified to unlock it.

It made sense. Ghosts that could be considered mini-bosses in ordinary mission locations were encountered right at the entrance here.

Bai Yu dared to say that in this village alone, there were no fewer than ten red-clothed fierce ghosts.

Not to mention the unseen “Immortals.”

Coupled with the curses of the evil gods, the level of danger here was unimaginable. And this was just the former village. The true source was in the later village, which would only be more dangerous.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before Lu Liangting replied, even following up with a phone call.

Bai Yu hung up expressionlessly and briefly explained the situation.

Lu Liangting knew that Zhao Mingyue had come into contact with this world, so telling him directly wouldn’t arouse suspicion. Moreover, Zhao Mingyue had only “accidentally” discovered the “secret” here and was “scared” to be alone, so she called him for help.

Lu Liangting’s last message was:

“Find a place to hide. I’ll get there as soon as possible.”

“Check the black phone to see if any missions have been triggered.” Bai Yu said, handing the phone back.


Zhao Mingyue took the phone and opened the other black phone. Sure enough, a new message appeared:

【Task location reached】

【You have triggered the task: Immortal Village (Former)】

【Immortal Village (Former)】

【Task difficulty: ???】

【Task reward: ???】

【Task requirement: Before dawn, find and destroy the statues of: Ear, Mouth】

【Don’t look at what you shouldn’t see, don’t listen to what you shouldn’t hear, don’t say what you shouldn’t say, don’t think about what you shouldn’t think. These were the words my parents constantly nagged me with since I was young. Every time I heard them, I wondered, what exactly shouldn’t I see, hear, say, or think?】

【The blind village chief with a long beard came to my house. He told me, ‘Don’t cry, from today onwards, you are the Divine Maiden. To be chosen by the Great Divine One is a great honor for our family.’】


【I don’t believe my sister’s words. ???????】


【What are they saying? I can’t hear clearly.】

【What do they look like? I can’t see.】

【Who are they? I can’t ask.】


【My revered Divine One, please have mercy on me, grant my people immortality.】

【Task content: ???, Immortals, Voice from the Coffin, Funeral, Red Embroidered Ball, Midnight Shrine, ???, ???】

Seeing the rows of question marks in the mission content, Zhao Mingyue was dumbfounded. It was her first time encountering such a situation. Even the mission introduction was filled with question marks. And she couldn’t shake the feeling that the description was about her.

So, she had actually grown up in a place like this when she was young? It was a miracle she’d survived until now.

“Why are there so many question marks? Have you ever seen this before, Bai Yu?”

“Yes, this only happens when you enter a specific task area with very low strength. Generally speaking, there’s no penalty for abandoning such tasks midway.”

“Then, if I complete the task here, will I get a big boost?” Zhao Mingyue asked thoughtfully.

“You will. This place is filled with both danger and opportunity.”

Zhao Mingyue felt a surge of excitement. She didn’t want to remain weak. But looking at the rows of question marks, she couldn’t help but feel apprehensive.

It’s better to act within one’s capabilities, there’s no point in forcing it.

While Zhao Mingyue was pondering, Bai Yu fell silent. She was looking at the redemption task issued by the black phone.

Yes, a redemption task.

【Task: Dragon Scales】

【When I was still human, I hated scaly reptiles the most. I could feel that disgusting cold and slimy touch without even touching them.】

【I’m tired of the excruciatingly painful molting, watching those scales lift, drying and withering from the edges, like a dirty, ragged garment clinging to me. I have to exert all my strength to completely peel it off.】

【But for revenge, I’m willing to endure it.】

【Doctor, tonight, your task is to help No. 521 recover her memory.】

Bai Yu’s gaze moved down, and when she saw “No. 521,” her eyelids couldn’t help but twitch.

“Dragon Girl…”


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