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Chapter 81 – Mingyue, Everyone is Waiting for You

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An eerie silence fell over the campus.

These students, who knew there was a murderer in the school yet chose to stay and watch the excitement, were all dumbfounded as they stared at Zhao Mingyue standing at the center.

ust a moment ago, they were wondering if Zhao Mingyue would meet a tragic end. After all, the murderer’s skills were as formidable and outrageous as a protagonist in an action movie. Ordinary people wouldn’t last a single move against her.

And how could a delicate and cute girl like Zhao Mingyue possibly be a match for her?

However, not only did the bloody scene they imagined not occur, Zhao Mingyue didn’t lose her head or have her heart and lungs dug out. Instead, she even cut off one of the murderer’s hands.

If the red-haired woman was the protagonist of an action movie, did that make Zhao Mingyue the ultimate villain?

With skills even greater than the protagonist’s!?

Some male students who secretly admired Zhao Mingyue but didn’t dare to play the hero and rescue her swallowed hard. The feelings they had hidden deep within became even more inexpressible.

They were afraid that if they angered Zhao Mingyue, she would backhand them and they wouldn’t be able to get up.

One could only say that beneath Zhao Mingyue’s pure and sweet appearance, there hid the heart of a beast. In any case, they had never seen someone send a person flying three or four meters away with an elbow strike.

But then again, Zhao Mingyue’s movements were too fast and smooth. Just now, during her backflip, her skirt didn’t even fall due to gravity!!

Gravity was not given any face!!

Zhao Mingyue didn’t pay attention to the whispers around her. She lowered her head to look at the hand on the ground, her heart heavy with suppressed emotions.

It wasn’t because the severed hand was too disgusting or terrifying, but rather the red-haired assassin herself. She never imagined that there would come a day when someone would openly commit murder at school. After killing her classmates and teachers, the assassin’s target was set on her.

“Is the thing in my body a ghost?” Adjusting her state of mind, Zhao Mingyue asked inwardly.

“No, this thing is much more powerful than a ghost.”

Bai Yu’s voice came, the gravity in her tone evident. “It should be a type of evil god, or perhaps even more powerful than an evil god. If I’m not mistaken, it’s the deity worshipped in your village.”

“I couldn’t sense its presence in your body before. It was only after I entered your body that I discovered it. This thing is currently in a dormant state, hidden very deeply.”

“If left unchecked, this thing will one day awaken.”

“When that happens, it might take over your consciousness, or even, devour your soul.”

Bai Yu had encountered many such evil existences slumbering within bodies, and such hosts often only had two fates. One was to overcome the thing inside and become stronger. The other was to be devoured and replaced, with their consciousness and soul occupied by the thing inside.

In the latter case, the best outcome was the original host would only be suppressed and unable to resist. At least there was still hope of a counterattack. The worst case was that the original host would cease to exist entirely, becoming nourishment for the entity..

Among the many hosts she had seen, the things inside their bodies were diverse. There were evil gods, the consciousness of some powerful being, remnant souls, and even certain types of energy.

But no matter which kind, ninety percent or even ninety-five percent of them ended with the demise of the original host.

Cases of the original host succeeding were too few, only one out of a dozen or so.

And that successful case was a monster who could directly suppress an entire race with a single spear.

At that time, she even felt that the evil god must have been brain-damaged. Why did it have to choose that god of slaughter?

“Then, will I be in such danger?” Zhao Mingyue asked hesitantly.

“Yes.” Bai Yu continued to explain, “Because this thing is inside your body. Every host like you is the same. So even if it’s discovered early on, there’s nothing that can be done. There are only three ways.”

“Directly kill you, you become strong enough to reject it, or find the source and deal with it there.”

“Don’t think too much. Leave it to me. Just be mentally prepared.”

Telling Zhao Mingyue all this was mainly to prepare her mentally. Bai Yu believed she could adjust her mindset. Zhao Mingyue had never been one to give up on herself.

And what Zhao Mingyue needed to do was also very simple. Maintain an optimistic attitude, and leave the rest to her.

“I know.”

Zhao Mingyue responded sweetly. In fact, she didn’t have too many thoughts about this matter. As for mental preparation, she had long had it. And now, she chose to believe in Bai Yu.

She had also come to a realization. Rather than fearing that and being terrified of that thing, it was better to believe in Bai Yu. She didn’t even know the former’s strength, but Bai Yu was different. She knew her very well.

While they were distracted, several male teachers approached with riot shields.

“Are… are you alright?”

“I’m fine, quite alright. At least I’m not injured.” Zhao Mingyue, with her backpack on, smiled, albeit a bit awkwardly.

She was indeed fine, but only for now. Once this matter spread throughout the school, she would have trouble.

《On How a High School Girl Fought Off an Armed Criminal Unscathed and Severed Their Hand.》

She estimated that after today, her image would undergo a 180-degree super huge change.

And she might even be commended by the entire school, or perhaps face disciplinary action.

Either way, a trip to the police station was inevitable today.

Mentally exhausting, truly mentally exhausting.

With the teachers maintaining a distance of over two meters and constantly asking after her well-being, not letting her move half a step, Zhao Mingyue helplessly spoke inwardly, “Little Sister Yu, do you know that red-haired criminal? Is she one of your old friends?”

That woman’s skills were simply not of this world. The only ones Zhao Mingyue could think of were Bai Yu’s “old friends.”


“Your old friends are really… So are the girls around Lu Liangting like that too!?”

“Of course, at least in terms of personality and temper, though there might be some differences in strength.”

“Yikes… That seems even scarier.”

If their strengths were similar but their temperaments completely different, it wouldn’t be so bad. But it’s their temperaments that are similar?

With such temperaments, how on earth has Lu Liangting survived?

It was quite surprising that he wasn’t dragged away and sliced up.

So many “gentle and kind” girls fighting over him.

Shouldn’t the final outcome be: I want the left hand, you want the head, she wants the right leg, and as for the heart, it belongs to me too. Only then could it be “distributed” evenly, which would also fit those girls’ personalities.

In less than five minutes, the police arrived.

The police station wasn’t too far from here. They rushed over the moment they received the call, taking no more than eight minutes in total.

“Woe is me. Looks like I won’t be able to attend classes today. I’ll just sit in the police station.”

Seeing the two police officers walking towards her, Zhao Mingyue felt a deep sense of helplessness in her heart. “Does this count as justifiable self-defense? After all, we cut off someone’s hand. I won’t go to jail, right?”

“No, if nothing unexpected happens, you’ll get paid.”

“Get… Get paid!?”

“As a little hero who fought crime and saved the entire school, of course there’s prize money to collect.” Bai Yu comforted Zhao Mingyue. For Zhao Mingyue, money was the top priority, especially when it was a reward.

Sure enough, after hearing Bai Yu’s words, the gloom on Zhao Mingyue’s face was swept away. “Really?”


“Really really?”


“Hello, I’m a police officer from the Jinjiang District Police Station in Tianchang City. This is my ID. We may take up some of your time next, but don’t be afraid. I’ll inform your homeroom teacher.” The young police officer stepped forward and showed his ID.

At this moment, looking at Zhao Mingyue’s youthful face and her somewhat frail body, the two police officers glanced at each other, finding it a bit hard to believe.

They had heard a brief description of the situation from the school’s teachers, which included this student repelling the criminal with extremely violent means.

This criminal was no ordinary person. She was definitely skilled, having cleanly killed the school’s security guards with precise, lethal strikes. The student had done similarly, with injuries mostly inflicted on vital areas, difficult to save even if rescued.

And such a well-trained and armed criminal was actually driven away by an unarmed young girl.

“Rest assured, what you did definitely counts as an act of bravery. We’re not here to arrest you, just to take you back to understand the situation and also to protect you. That criminal is very likely to return.” The other police officer also comforted her, his eyes signaling to the policewoman not far away to come over.

Zhao Mingyue was thus led away in front of the entire school.

There were no handcuffs; she was simply put into a police car.

In the police car, Zhao Mingyue sat in the back, her hands cupping her face.

The policewoman in the passenger seat turned around and spoke with a smile, “Don’t be afraid. Oh, young lady, do you have a phone number for your family? I’ll help you contact them.”

“Family’s phone number? I’m sorry, I don’t have one.”

“You don’t?”

“Yeah. My parents died a few years ago, and my sister is also missing. Um… I guess my uncle is my guardian now, but I haven’t seen him for three years, and I don’t know his contact information.” Zhao Mingyue answered truthfully.

“I see… I’m sorry, young lady. What’s your name?”

“My name is Zhao Mingyue.”

“Alright, Mingyue. When we get there, don’t be afraid. We’ll ask you some questions. Just say what you know. When it’s over, I’ll escort you home. After all, with that criminal’s personality, she will definitely return to take revenge on you.” The policewoman was very enthusiastic, speaking softly.

“My name is Li Xin. You can have my phone number. If anything happens during this time, call the police immediately, and make sure to lock your doors and windows when you’re home alone. Always confirm the identity of anyone knocking before opening the door.”

“Okay.” Being cared for by a stranger, Zhao Mingyue felt quite warm in her heart.

After arriving at the police station, she was indeed asked some questions, mainly about the situation at the time. Zhao Mingyue embellished the story a bit, and with that, she completed her task.

“Bai Yu, do you think she will really come back for revenge?”


“Ah, then we…”

“Just be careful. Leave everything to me.”


Returning home, it was already 11 AM. Zhao Mingyue plopped down on the sofa and opened her phone. There were several new messages, sent by her classmates, asking if she was alright. Among them was Lu Liangting.

She read through them one by one and replied one by one. Suddenly, Zhao Mingyue frowned.

“Bai Yu, look.”

She handed the phone to Bai Yu. The content was a message from a stranger, a photo of her doorstep, and a message: “When you open the door, do you prefer to use your left hand or your right hand?”

“Playing tricks.” Bai Yu turned off the phone.

“Is it that red-haired woman?” Zhao Mingyue glanced at the living room door.

“Not sure.”

Taking back the phone, Zhao Mingyue continued scrolling. Not only did she see messages from her classmates, but also from some relatives. It was as if the whole world knew that Zhao Mingyue had driven away a criminal with her bare hands in just a few short hours this morning.

An unknown number even called.

“Should I answer it?”

“Answer it.” Bai Yu stood up.

Zhao Mingyue nodded and tapped the screen lightly.

“Zzzz, zzzzz…” An irritating, intermittent buzzing sound came from the other end, as if the person was doing something.

“Hello.” Zhao Mingyue lowered the volume and tried to speak.

The buzzing continued on the other end. But the moment her word fell, the buzzing abruptly disappeared. After a second of silence, a low, hoarse middle-aged man’s voice sounded through the phone.


Just one simple word, but he dragged out the ending, without any emotional fluctuation, even somewhat lifeless.

“You can come back now. Everyone is waiting for you.”

The speech was very slow. Coupled with that lifeless, low, and hoarse, it was as if the person on the other end of the phone was a dead man. An unsettling emotion inadvertently took root and spread.

“Are… are you Uncle?” Zhao Mingyue could tell a bit from the voice. It sounded a lot like her uncle whom she hadn’t seen in a long time.

As soon as she said this, the person on the other end seemed to be provoked, shifting from lifelessness to rage.

“Your grandmother is turning eighty the day after tomorrow. You must come back!”

“Zzzz, zzzzz.”

After saying that, the other end reverted to buzzing sounds. Three seconds later, the call was hung up.

This phone call had an eerie feeling written all over it. Zhao Mingyue was dumbfounded, holding the phone.

She looked at Bai Yu, then at her phone.

“The day after tomorrow, huh. Should we go?” Zhao Mingyue was apprehensive, knowing Bai Yu had been eager to investigate.



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