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Chapter 80 – Bai Yu’s Discovery

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Holding the rabbit doll with both hands, Zhao Mingyue’s eyes slightly lost focus as she recalled her past, those somewhat dark memories.

“I was young then and don’t remember many things, but in my impression, that village was dark, as if shrouded in a layer of gloom, with oppression and dullness everywhere. It felt like there was no sign of life there.”

“No one had a smile on their face. There was no laughter or chatter, only solemn silence.”

“Later, everyone slowly moved away, maybe for some other reasons. Anyway, many people left and went to the village I told you about. The situation slowly improved. There were originally people living in the later village, and the people from the original village seemed to know something, so they were very hostile to us.”

“I don’t know how to tell you, before I touched your world, I never believed, nor dared to believe, mostly I was hypnotizing myself.”

“So it’s only recently that I’ve started to seriously think about these things.”

“Tell me what you know, with as many details as possible. I’ll judge the rest myself,” Bai Yu said softly.

What Zhao Mingyue had said so far was quite simple, but intuition told Bai Yu that things were not so simple.

Zhao Mingyue, after all, is the female lead. Judging from her experiences, anything that happened to the female lead and the male lead, especially regarding their background, was never simple. It often involved many things, either a powerful force behind the scenes or an extremely powerful boss.

In any case, it wouldn’t be as easy as completing tasks in Sunshine Apartments and Dongcheng No. 13 Middle School.

“Let me think.” Zhao Mingyue frowned and pondered for a long time.

“There’s one thing. I was chosen to be a sacrifice, right? I don’t know who that god is or what the fate of the sacrifice is. My sister told me that the sacrifice is to become a vessel for that god.”

“I didn’t go through with the ritual, so I shouldn’t have been chosen.”

“But, from before we moved to the later village until my parents’ incident, I felt like that deity was already inside my body.”

“How did you find out?” Bai Yu’s gaze sharpened.

“It’s my guess. I’m not sure either.” Zhao Mingyue hesitated for a moment. “In Pingshan Village, basically everyone had seen ghosts, and there were even people killed by ghosts, but I never saw any. I suspect it’s because of that thing inside me, so I’ve never seen any ghosts.”

“Also, when I was young, I occasionally experienced situations where I couldn’t control my body, like sleepwalking. At those times, I was unconscious, and when I woke up, I was somewhere else.”

“My parents and sister knew about it, but they refused to tell me.”

“Something in the body…”

Bai Yu thought of something. If she remembered correctly, there was also something hidden in Lu Liangting’s body, which posed a considerable threat to her.

That’s why she never made a move against Lu Liangting, even when she had the chance.

Lu Liangting’s thing was dormant, but what about Mingyue’s?

Bai Yu took a careful look but, as usual, saw nothing.

After that, Zhao Mingyue and Bai Yu briefly discussed some details about Pingshan Village, but unfortunately, she didn’t know much. Her childhood memories were too vague, so there was a limit to what she could tell Bai Yu.

Moreover, it had been such a long time, over ten years. With the passage of time, who knew what Pingshan Village was like now?

“Bai Yu.” Having said everything she knew, Zhao Mingyue hesitated. “Do we really have to go? Let’s wait a little longer.”

“Alright, no rush. How about in a week?”

“Cough, cough, cough, in a week?” Zhao Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Bai Yu say not to rush, but she didn’t expect her idea of not rushing was just a week.

She even suspected that if it weren’t for her having to go to school, Bai Yu’s “no rush” would only last a day.

“Isn’t that a bit too rushed?”

“We don’t have much time.”

“This… Alright then.”

Talking about such a serious matter, Zhao Mingyue turned her head to look at the photo placed to the side, which showed her and her sister when she was thirteen.

But in this photo, only her face could be seen. Her sister’s face was covered by a bloodstain, the kind that couldn’t be cleaned or repaired.

Not only this photo, but any photo with her sister in it, her sister’s face was inevitably obscured by a bloodstain.

Did she not want to go back?

Of course she did. Only there might she find clues about her sister.

But she couldn’t let Bai Yu go just because of that.

The night passed without words. Zhao Mingyue lay in bed for a long time before falling asleep.

Bai Yu sat by the bed and took off the clothes on her body, hanging them on the hanger. She was still wearing that white dress from before.

Only in this dress could she enter Zhao Mingyue’s shadow.

Forcibly entering the shadow while wearing Zhao Mingyue’s clothes would only lead to one outcome. She would go in, but the clothes and shoes would all be left outside.

That night, she pondered Zhao Mingyue’s situation.

For now, she only knew some superficial details. Other detailed information would have to be obtained by visiting the village.



Early the next morning, Zhao Mingyue got up early, tidied up the clothes Bai Yu had bought yesterday, washed up, had breakfast, and then left home on time.

Downstairs, she rode her bicycle as usual.

“Bai Yu, what should we do about that ghost on the fifth floor?”

Zhao Mingyue turned her head, suddenly remembering something.

“It’s been dealt with.”

“Dealt with? Did you do it?”

“No, it was Lu Liangting.”

Lu Liangting was indeed impressive. Who knew what method he used to actually bring back Xiao Lian’s child? Last night, he came over and successfully sent away Xiao Lian from the fifth floor.

“Now that you mention it, he’s quite capable.”

Chatting with Bai Yu along the way, they quickly arrived at the school. Zhao Mingyue hadn’t even entered the school gate when she saw a group of people gathered together. She walked over to take a look and found that there was a fight going on, and it was between two girls.

“Don’t get involved. Let’s go.” Bai Yu’s voice sounded in Zhao Mingyue’s ears.

“Ah, okay.”

Zhao Mingyue had just agreed, but it was obviously too late.

Among the two fighting, the redhead who was gaining the upper hand suddenly saw Zhao Mingyue. She backhandedly punched the black-haired girl to the ground, bent her legs slightly, and with a burst of terrifying strength and speed, she took two steps, leaped out from the crowd of onlookers before they could react, and in another two steps, arrived in front of Zhao Mingyue.

The red-haired woman was wearing loose sportswear, her long hair tied up high, and a mask covering her face, making it impossible to see her features.

She appeared to be around twenty-five years old, with a tall and slender figure.

“Zhao Mingyue!”

Clenching her fist, the red-haired woman threw a punch towards Zhao Mingyue’s head.

She was simply too fast. Ordinary people couldn’t react at all. By the time she was close, Zhao Mingyue only then saw the brass knuckles she was wearing.

Brass knuckles aside, the front end of the brass knuckles had a nearly ten-centimeter-long spike attached to the front.

“Be careful.” Blood threads appeared below Zhao Mingyue’s collar, hooking onto the back of her neck and suddenly pulling her back.

Zhao Mingyue’s body involuntarily leaned back, just in time to dodge the redhead’s spiked punch.

But that wasn’t all. After missing the first punch, the redhead raised her knee for a strike, while retracting her fist, preparing another punch aimed at Zhao Mingyue’s heart.

Blood threads connected to Zhao Mingyue’s lower back at one end and wrapped around her shoulders at the other. Through the contraction and tightening of the blood threads, Zhao Mingyue’s body was once again involuntarily shifted to the side, dodging another spike attack and knee strike.

Being stuck meant suffering a storm-like attack. Bai Yu didn’t dare waste time.

“Mingyue, relax your body, I’m coming in.”

As is well known, ghosts all possess the ability to possess bodies, just like ghost walls are a standard configuration for ghosts.

Bai Yu naturally knew this skill too, but she had never used it before.

In the midst of the chaos, Zhao Mingyue hurriedly agreed in her heart. Immediately after, she lost consciousness.

The crowd was now in complete chaos.

In the morning, it was supposed to be a normal school day, but who could have expected an uninvited guest to appear, not only assaulting the security guard but also attempting murder!

That black-haired girl was now lying on the ground, bleeding profusely, her life and death unknown!

That black-haired girl was quite capable. At first, she fought back and forth with this person, but then somehow fell into a disadvantage.

And this lunatic obviously hadn’t killed enough. She actually set her sights on another student!

Just when they thought Zhao Mingyue was also going to meet her end, they suddenly found that the lunatic seemed to be frozen in place. Upon closer look, they discovered that the frail girl named Zhao Mingyue, who was quite famous in the school and even called the school beauty, was actually gripping the lunatic’s wrist!

What the onlookers couldn’t see was that at the instant the red-haired woman’s third punch came, Zhao Mingyue’s eyes suddenly turned pure black, and her temperament underwent a huge change.

The panic on Zhao Mingyue’s face was replaced by composure and indifference, her pure black eyes staring into the red-haired woman’s.

“Interesting. I’d like to know who you are.” The redhead seemed to laugh, her eyes narrowing, shaking off Zhao Mingyue’s hand and lightly leaping back to create distance.

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhao Mingyue blinked and appeared in front of her. Using her left foot as a pivot, her right leg whipping out fiercely at astonishing speed.

The red-haired woman didn’t even try to dodge. She raised her left hand to block forcefully, her right fist still poised to strike.

What she didn’t expect was that at the moment of impact, Zhao Mingyue used her left leg to spring up, leaped into the air, and kicked the woman’s chest before landing in a backflip.

Crossing her arms in front of her chest, the red-haired woman blocked this kick, a cruel smile appearing under her mask.


Before Zhao Mingyue could land, the red-haired woman’s spike was already on its way, predicting her landing spot perfectly, aiming to stab Zhao Mingyue in the chest.

However, in the next instant, her pupils constricted.

Her outstretched punch didn’t hit its target. Instead, a line of blood appeared on her right wrist. That hand of hers directly fell off, dropping to the ground, leaving the severed wrist gushing with blood.

Zhao Mingyue landed steadily. Her palm was like a blade, with faint traces of blood visible at her fingertips.

Taking a step forward, she thrust her hand-blade straight at the woman’s throat, fast, clean, and sharp.

The red-haired woman felt a chill down her spine. She desperately leaned back, her left wrist twisting. In this short time, thin threads flew up into the air, weaving together, ready to entangle Zhao Mingyue’s attacking hand.

But at that moment, Zhao Mingyue’s control over her body was truly terrifying. In midair, she retracted her hand, delivering a knee strike to the woman’s abdomen. As the woman bent over, raised her hand and struck the woman’s neck with her elbow.

This strike was powerful and heavy. The woman was directly sent flying backward, crashing to the ground.

Zhao Mingyue didn’t go up to finish her off. She took two steps back, watching the woman get up from the ground.

Wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, the red-haired woman’s neck was unnaturally protruding to one side. She spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva, the smile beneath her mask not diminishing in the slightest.

“Interesting, interesting, interesting. Can you tell me who you really are?”

Before she could finish her words, those semi-transparent threads, thinner than fishing line, lashed out at Zhao Mingyue’s legs.

With enough toughness and speed, these thin wires could be sharper than blades.

Instead of jumping, Zhao Mingyue simply stepped back to create distance.

Her earlier jump was a deliberate feint, catching the enemy off guard to land a surprise attack. But now, with the enemy on guard, recklessly jumping would only lead to the same fate as the old director on the second floor of the cafeteria, sliced into pieces.

As soon as she retreated, the thin threads only flickered in the air for a moment before coiling in midair and rushing straight towards her neck.

Zhao Mingyue raised her hand to sever the threads. At the same moment, her other hand rose, catching a flying dagger wrapped in thin threads.

These threads were extremely tough, comparable to steel wire. The moment her fingers caught the flying dagger, the thin threads wrapped around it suddenly unfurled, enveloping her fingers. But her reaction was also fast. She used blood threads to cut them off. Even so, Zhao Mingyue’s fingers sustained dozens of small cuts, nearly drawing blood.

To be precise, if she hadn’t reacted quickly, Zhao Mingyue’s two fingers would have been gone.

Or rather, if she had used her hand to grab it, her entire hand would have been sliced into hundreds of pieces of minced meat.

Outside the school, the sound of ambulances and police cars was approaching. They would arrive in three minutes at most.

The red-haired woman let out an unpleasant, strange laugh. She didn’t seem to care about the wound on her right wrist at all and still intended to have a showdown with Bai Yu.

But at that moment…


A lotus flower made of blood threads bloomed from her severed wrist, instantly blasting the originally neat wound into a bloody mess.

Blood mixed with bits of flesh and bone spurted out.

The blood lotus bloomed and quickly withered, and white smoke sizzled from the red-haired woman’s wound.

The woman looked at it puzzledly, then glanced at Bai Yu, understanding everything.

This lotus was planted when her wrist was cut off earlier.

“If you want to die, I’ll oblige, Spider.”

Zhao Mingyue spoke softly, taking the initiative to walk over.

“Hahaha, I don’t know who you are, but I think I’ll know very soon.” The red-haired woman laughed loudly. “You’re very strong, but I just love collecting the heads of people like you. Wait for me. I’ll come back for you.”

Leaving behind that threat, Spider clutched her wrist and swiftly retreated.

If she stayed any longer, she would only have two fates.

Either be killed or be shot by the police.

After Spider left, Zhao Mingyue’s eyes quickly returned to normal, and the feeling of regaining her body was soreness, soreness all over as if she had exercised for most of the day.

“Little Sister Yu…”

“Mingyue, while I was in your body, I saw something.” Bai Yu didn’t mention Spider but suddenly brought this up.

“Ah, what?”

“I don’t know, but I’m sure, that thing is sleeping inside your body.”


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