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Chapter 74 – The Mysterious Store Manager

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On the street, Lu Liangting gently massaged his temples.

Recently, he had been under an unusual amount of stress. A group of girls like Shen Shuyun had appeared out of nowhere, crazily pursuing him. What set these girls apart, especially in terms of personality, was that each seemed to harbor a mindset of destroying him if they couldn’t have him.

They completely disregarded themselves, their families, their schools, and even their own bodies.

Their actions could be described in one word: madness.

Don’t think that being chased by girls feels good. Lu Liangting could tell you very responsibly that the result of being chased by these lunatics was constantly worrying about whether one day he would be stuffed into a sack, knocked out, and then dragged to an abandoned factory or a forest.

He couldn’t outright reject them either. If he directly rejected them, it wouldn’t as simple as being dragged into a forest. He should seriously consider where he should be buried.

For example, when Shen Shuyun invited him to go shopping this time, if he didn’t go, it was very likely he wouldn’t make it out of Shen Shuyun’s door.

When he was leaving, he clearly saw Shen Shuyun had a fruit knife tucked into her waistband.

Who in their right mind would hide a knife in their pants at home?!

Fortunately, these girls had principles. Like Shen Shuyun, they wouldn’t force him to go shopping but would make a deal that benefited him first, then ask for a favor in return.

If he agreed to her request but couldn’t fulfill it in the end, the result…

“No, I should check if anyone else is available first. It’s still a bit dangerous for me to go alone.”

Lu Liangting took out his phone and scrolled through his contacts, but in the end, he couldn’t decide who to message.

He actually didn’t have many friends. Most of the contacts in his phone were girls.

Of course, these girls weren’t his friends. In a sense, they were pursuers.

Lu Liangting wasn’t stupid. He knew what these girls were after. Most of them were after his family’s wealth. How many of them truly liked Lu Liangting as a person?

So after adding their contact information, he didn’t chat with them.

【Xiao Kang, are you free tomorrow?】

【Ah, my brother Lu, something up? You’ve been a busy man lately, can’t even find you at your place.】 The reply came quickly.

【I’ve had some things to deal with recently. I was wondering if you’re free tomorrow to hang out and go shopping.】

【Shopping? That doesn’t sound like you. Don’t tell me some girl asked you out? (dog head)】狗头

【Just a friend.】

【Ew~ I know your situation. I’m not going. I don’t want to be a third wheel.】

Seeing his friend’s reply, Lu Liangting felt helpless.

Well, it looks like I’m going alone tomorrow.

“I’ll deal with tomorrow’s matters tomorrow. I still need to go to No. 13 Middle School tonight to find that child.”

He wasn’t a man who went back on his word, even to a ghost. Since he had promised to help her find her child, he had to go.



At night, after busily dressing up Bai Yu, Zhao Mingyue casually placed the lighter on the bedside table and pulled back the covers to go to sleep.

As for the male ghost in the lighter being dealt with, she didn’t care. In any case, having Bai Yu was enough for her. Besides, she didn’t have the habit of carrying around a male ghost anyway, feeling that her privacy would be exposed.

So this draw couldn’t be considered a complete loss. The lighter could be used in the future. Maybe she could bring a ghost back from a task location. Moreover, Bai Yu absorbing the other ghost also meant an increase in her strength.

“Good night, Little Sister Yu. I hope we can have a lot of fun tomorrow.”

“Good night.”

The lights in the room went out, plunging the entire room into darkness.

Bai Yu didn’t need to sleep. She sat on a chair in the room, quietly watching the world outside the window.

After such a long time, most of the game participants had started to become active.

Among these lunatics, not all of them were like Shen Shuyun. Some were extremely troublesome, like that Dragon Girl.

This Dragon Girl had an unimaginable possessiveness towards him.

Her love was as deadly as it was intense.

For her, love was never about growing old together but about chopping off her lover’s head and wearing it on her body. That way, her lover would never betray her, would always listen to her, would never argue with her no matter what she said, and they could be together forever.

But since they had all come to this world and changed their appearances and identities, this person probably wouldn’t continue chasing after her to kill her.

Her target should have switched to Lu Liangting. Let her her restless heart find solace in him.

“Even now, there are still quite a few watching from the shadows. I really want to see what it would be like when all their identities are exposed, and they fight over Lu Liangting.”

“Now that I’m some sort of ‘Salvation Executor,’ I wonder if I’ll have the chance to interact with those few.”

Muttering to herself, listening to Zhao Mingyue’s steady, rhythmic breathing, and looking at her beautiful profile, she suddenly felt very fortunate.

Fortunate that her target was this girl and not Lu Liangting.

If it had been Lu Liangting, just thinking about that scenario was truly terrifying.

Time passed quickly in the silent night.

Bai Yu could sense the restlessness of the ghost on the fifth floor, but she didn’t bother with it, simply guarding Zhao Mingyue until dawn.

“Ding ling ling~” The alarm clock rang punctually at 6:30 AM.

From under the covers, an arm reached out, grabbing the phone on the bedside table, skillfully turning off the alarm.

After about a minute, Zhao Mingyue sat up from the bed with a rustle, the covers sliding off her body.

She yawned and stretched, rubbing her eyes, and saw the figure sitting by the window.

Having just woken up, her mind wasn’t fully clear. For a moment when she saw Bai Yu, she thought someone had broken into the room. She froze for a moment before remembering.

“Morning, Little Sister Yu.”

“Good morning.”

Zhao Mingyue went about her morning routine, washing up and eating. Since today was indeed special, she even applied some light makeup and dressed up a bit.

She wasn’t in a hurry on her day off, not leaving until 7:30, and took the carnations with her.

“Let’s go, Little Sister Yu.”

It was the first time she had taken Bai Yu out shopping. It would be a lie to say she wasn’t excited.

After going downstairs, she didn’t ride her bicycle today. She couldn’t possibly ride in front and have Bai Yu sit behind her, right?

Bai Yu followed behind her, her face covered by large sunglasses.

After being a ghost for so long, suddenly regaining the status of a “living person” and walking on the street like a living person, she really felt a bit unaccustomed.



Before 8, there were already quite a few pedestrians on the street, passing by in a hurry.

These pedestrians would involuntarily turn their heads and look whenever they passed by the two girls. It was because their outfits were just too cute. Bai Yu’s lolita maid style, naturally a cosplay outfit, with its blue and white combination, naturally drew the eye.

The sunglasses on her face didn’t detract from her cuteness at all. Instead, it made her face look even more delicate.

As for Zhao Mingyue, brimming with youthful vitality, and the high school uniform she wore added a touch of pure beauty.

This human-ghost duo walking together naturally attracted the frequent glances of passersby, stunning everyone with their appearance.

“Hmm… Although I can’t bring you back to life, this is kind of like a half-resurrection, right?”

Taking the initiative to hold Bai Yu’s hand, Zhao Mingyue walked a few steps ahead, turned around to face Bai Yu, walking backward, her face beaming with a radiant smile.

“I think this should help you recapture some of the feelings from your life.”

Zhao Mingyue’s smile was indeed infectious.

Even Bai Yu felt touched, though it was just emotionally. The corners of her mouth showed no signs of curving upward.

It wasn’t that Zhao Mingyue’s smile wasn’t powerful enough, but what she had just said.

“I didn’t have this experience when I was alive.”

When she was alive, she didn’t wear dresses, nor did she leisurely go shopping like this, let alone have people secretly take photos of her as they passed by.

If it were her in her previous life, if she discovered someone secretly taking photos, she would probably chop them up.

“Ah, well…” Zhao Mingyue’s smile stiffened. “You never went shopping?”

“Mm, at least not this leisurely.”

“Then this counts as a first time, right? You can experience things you didn’t have a chance to when you were alive. Maybe you’ll come to like this feeling. We can buy lots of pretty clothes and eat lots of delicious food without worrying about being killed. Just have fun to your heart’s content.”

“It’s still best not to let our guard down.”

“Aiya!” Zhao Mingyue held Bai Yu’s hand. “We finally went out. Relax a little.”

This was a rare opportunity that had to be seized. She couldn’t let Bai Yu lead her astray and had to correct her at crucial moments.

In Zhao Mingyue’s view, perhaps there might be people like Li Nan around, but it wasn’t a big problem.

They definitely wouldn’t choose to act in a crowded area. Even if they did, they would choose a deserted night. Even if an accident did happen and they brazenly acted in a crowded area, it would be fine since Bai Yu was here. She herself would definitely be safe. At worst, she could call the police and stall for time.

Her mind was spinning with ideas. Zhao Mingyue was very clear about what she should do.

“Let’s go to the convenience store first.”

Walking along the street, they soon arrived at the convenience store.

Zhao Mingyue pushed open the door, holding the carnations in her arms, and walked in. The bell on the door frame swayed gently. As for the wind chime, when Zhao Mingyue first entered, nothing happened, but as soon as Bai Yu stepped in, the wind chime began to sway.

Bai Yu frowned. She had known from the beginning that this wind chime could detect the appearance of ghosts. What she was more curious about was what kind of person the one who hung this wind chime was.

This convenience store was unusual in every way, such as the ghost that escaped from Dongcheng No. 13 Middle School last time.

In his words, after he came out, the whole world was completely dark, and only this convenience store had light, so he followed the light from the convenience store to get here.

Normal ghosts could still see the world. The little ghost that escaped from No. 13 Middle School was different from ordinary ghosts. Considering the special nature of No. 13 Middle School, could she understand it as special places like No. 13 Middle School being different from ordinary places?

Ghosts escaping from ordinary places wouldn’t have much impact, while No. 13 Middle School was a special place, a memory of a certain person, so ghosts escaping from there couldn’t affect the outside world, a kind of protective mechanism.

Then the question arises, why can these special ghosts see this convenience store?


Zhao Mingyue’s voice pulled Bai Yu back to reality.

Her hand was still being held by Zhao Mingyue as they walked to the counter.

Behind the counter, the convenience store owner was wiping a watch with a handkerchief. Hearing Zhao Mingyue’s voice, he stopped what he was doing, took out two red envelopes from the drawer, and said, “This is your salary from last month. Take it. Go out and have fun today. I’m giving you a day off.”

Zhao Mingyue didn’t count the money inside. She trusted the store manager’s character. After taking the red envelopes, she smiled and said, “Thank you, Manager!”

“No need to thank me. After all, this is what you earned through your labor. Mingyue, this is…”

The manager’s smile was kind, his tone even and unhurried. His gaze turned to Bai Yu.

“Ah, she’s my cousin, Ruoxi. She’s going out to play with me today.” Zhao Mingyue quickly explained.

“Hmm, quite a pretty young lady.” The manager nodded slowly. “Be careful when you go out to play. You two girls need to be cautious outside.”

“I know. But thank you for your concern, Manager.”

“Alright, you two go and have fun. Leave this place to me.”

“Mm, goodbye, Manager.”

Without further ado, Zhao Mingyue pulled Bai Yu and left.

At the door, Bai Yu looked back and found that the old manager was also looking at her. Their gazes met.

The old manager nodded slightly, his deep eyes revealing no hint of his inner thoughts.

After Bai Yu and Zhao Mingyue left, the manager looked in the direction Bai Yu had left, then glanced up at the wind chime that had stopped not long ago.

“Six times… That’s a first.”



After going out, while waiting for the bus, Zhao Mingyue counted the salary red envelope. As usual, it was 2,800 yuan. As for the small red envelope, there was 400 yuan, a little bonus.

“Today I can finally eat something good!”

Satisfied, Zhao Mingyue put away the red envelopes. Holding the carnations, the smile on her face never faded. It was clear that she was truly happy.

For Zhao Mingyue, today was a day of triple happiness!

She got paid, had a day off, and could go shopping with Little Sister Yu.

The bus arrived quickly. Zhao Mingyue pulled Bai Yu and swiftly got on, tossing in two coins to the fare box.

Pulling Bai Yu to sit in the back row, Zhao Mingyue was about to start whispering when she suddenly saw three oddly dressed delinquent youths walking out of an internet cafe, arms slung over each other’s shoulders.

“Tsk, bad luck…”

really sorry for mysteriously disappearing, was really busy with projects that I somehow forgot about this lol (insert dogeza emote or something)


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