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Chapter 73 – Zhao Mingyue’s New Ghost??

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What was a Salvation Executor?

Bai Yu had never heard of it before.

She didn’t know whether it was a good or bad thing, but having this identity at least confirmed that many game participants were like No. 652, each with a task location that was a memory from their past, where they could find their regrets.

But the problem was, if she was the executor, would she still have her own location?

Her only hope was probably the last special reward.

The Twin Pupils of the Evil God. She couldn’t be sure what this was at first, but after seeing the description below, she had a rough idea.

But she didn’t know what use the eyes of a god could be.

Still, it was hope, wasn’t it?

As for how to complete these tasks and obtain them, that was simple. If she encountered something similar in the future, if they were easy to talk to, she would deal with them as she did with No. 652. If they dared to waste her time, she would chop off their limbs and take their body to complete their redemption.

Come to think of it, she couldn’t understand why the Scum Game would do these things. What good does it do to let these scums reclaim memories or complete redemption? If this task world was created for this purpose, why make these lunatics turn into women and then go after Lu Liangting?

In the end, after putting in so much effort for redemption, they would die because they couldn’t capture Lu Liangting’s heart and complete the task.

Well, the Scum Game had always been like this, never playing by the rules.

While Bai Yu was deep in thought, Zhao Mingyue hadn’t noticed her unusual state yet. Her hand tapped on the wheel, watching it spin rapidly. She didn’t know what was on the roulette. Anyway, it was a freebie, so whatever she got was a gain.

The roulette gradually stopped, and light flashed on the phone screen.

【Congratulations, you have obtained a ghostly prop: Soul Lighter】

【With this prop, you can summon the fierce ghost: Yang Lin.】

【What’s so scary about death? Let me have another puff.】

Seeing these two lines, Zhao Mingyue frowned, feeling that the introduction seemed too simple. When she obtained Miss Rabbit, the introduction was a long paragraph, and it even specifically noted that the ghost was very dangerous and to use the prop with caution.

How come this ghost only had these three simple lines?

It must be a matter of strength. This ghost’s power was not as great as Bai Yu’s, so the introduction was shorter.

“Bai Yu, Bai Yu, hey, Little Sister Yu, are you still there?” Zhao Mingyue waved her hand in front of Bai Yu’s eyes and called out softly.

Bai Yu snapped back to reality. The text on the black phone disappeared, replaced by the draw screen.

“What’s the matter?”

“I just drew a ghostly prop. Wanna see?”

Zhao Mingyue felt her pocket. Just now, she felt something heavy in her pocket, and then she took out a flip lighter.

The lighter was entirely black with what seemed to be a stain on it, looking completely ordinary.

Bai Yu took it from her and examined it carefully, flipping open the lid and sliding her thumb across the wheel.

Click, a very faint sound, and the lighter ignited a dark blue flame.

This flame didn’t seem to give off any heat, only a chilling coldness.

In Zhao Mingyue’s vision, the moment the lighter’s flame ignited, a disheveled man in a filthy suit appeared behind Bai Yu. His hair was unkempt, and he reeked of cigarettes and alcohol. His skin was completely devoid of color, and a steel rod about half a meter long could be seen piercing his throat.

The man’s bloodshot eyeballs rolled, looking at Zhao Mingyue with a gaze full of complex desire and fervor, especially when he saw Bai Yu.

Snap! Just as the man raised his hand to grab Bai Yu’s throat, the lighter’s flame extinguished, and the ghost disappeared from where he stood.

“He only appears when the flame is burning. Close the lid, and this ghost will disappear.”

Bai Yu concluded, then, under Zhao Mingyue’s puzzled gaze, lit the lighter’s flame again.

Sure enough, the man reappeared, but this time, Bai Yu didn’t stand there dumbly with her back to him.

The moment Bai Yu turned around, the man looked as if he had seen something extremely terrifying. His eyeballs trembled, and his outstretched hands shook violently.

“You’re not human!”


Before the man could move, blood threads suddenly gathered on the floor into a spike, then fiercely pierced towards the man’s crotch.

Piercing from below, it came out from the top of his head. The man could only stare with eyes wide open, his expression ferocious and terrifying.

He never expected that this frail girl before him would be an even more terrifying ghost than himself.

Bai Yu turned around, holding the burning lighter in her hand. This black lighter spun nimbly between her fingers like a pen.

“Trash, there’s no need to keep you around.” Her eyes held no emotion, as if stating a trivial matter.

As the last word left her lips, the spikes that had pierced the man’s body horizontally grew countless thorns inside him, instantly turning him into a porcupine.

Without leaving a single word, without a single wail, he was devoured clean.

Zhao Mingyue was dumbfounded.

She hadn’t even exchanged a word with this newly drawn ghost before Bai Yu ate it…

She suddenly realized something.

Perhaps she would never have a second ghost to use again.

In Bai Yu’s eyes, any ghost she drew would definitely be trash, too difficult to meet her demands. Their fate would naturally be to be devoured.

“Keep the lighter. It can house other ghosts, and the flame can cause significant damage to ghosts.” The lighter stopped spinning between Bai Yu’s fingers. She closed the lid, extinguishing the flame.

“Ah, well… having a lighter isn’t too bad.”



Lu Liangting put away his phone. He had just come out of Shen Shuyun’s house.

In order to find out about Bai Yu’s past, he had no choice but to risk going to Shen Shuyun’s home. He had even prepared protection, not that kind of protection, but for Shen Shuyun’s little tricks, such as not drinking her water, not eating her food, absolutely not entering the bedroom, not letting her lock the door when he entered, finishing the conversation as soon as possible, and agreeing to her minor requests as much as possible.

Facts proved that these preparations were effective.

It was just that Shen Shuyun really had no shame. She drugged the drink right in front of him!

With an expression like, “If you don’t drink it, I’ll eat you.”

However, it wasn’t that he didn’t get anything out of it. He finally knew the name of that ghost.

“So her name is Bai Yu. What a nice name.”

“Unfortunately, I couldn’t get anything else out of her.”

Just getting a name had already cost Lu Liangting a great deal. He had agreed to go on a “date” with Shen Shuyun tomorrow, which meant going shopping.

“If it’s just shopping, it’s no big deal. I’ll be careful, and it’ll be fine.”

“With so many people on the street, she shouldn’t do anything.”

Letting out a long sigh, Lu Liangting felt a lot of pressure.

Even though he said that, he was still afraid that Shen Shuyun would pull some weird stuff on him while shopping tomorrow.

Like, suddenly kissing him in public…

“It would be great if Mingyue could come. With one more person, Shen Shuyun wouldn’t be so bold.”


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