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Chapter 70 – Playing the Emotional Card, Huh?

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Zhao Mingyue didn’t need to work overtime in the evening. At exactly 7 PM, the employee who came to take the night shift arrived on time. He was young, around 23 or 24 years old, a man with thick hair and glasses.

The man basically never spoke to Zhao Mingyue. He would just glance at her and quickly avert his gaze. If there was anything that needed to be communicated, it would just be a simple sentence or two, never getting within two meters of Zhao Mingyue.

“Finally off work. I can go home, take a shower, and get a good night’s sleep.”

Pushing open the convenience store’s door, the wind chime behind her swayed six times. Accompanied by the sound of the bell on the door frame, the convenience store fell into silence. Only the man standing behind the counter was secretly looking in the direction Zhao Mingyue left, his hands trembling involuntarily.

It wasn’t that he liked Zhao Mingyue. Although he also admitted that this girl was indeed beautiful, with a face like a celestial fairy, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his life, but he absolutely wouldn’t get close to her, because the thing on her was just too terrifying.

“I’ll have to trouble Brother Wang and the manager tonight and tomorrow. Even if I don’t have a day off tomorrow, I’m going to take a day off.”

On a secluded street, Zhao Mingyue pushed her bicycle along.

In the front basket of the bicycle, the rabbit doll lay quietly, motionless. Its left eye a red button, while its right eye a smooth, gem-like plastic ornament.

There were patches of various sizes on the rabbit’s head, and its ears also showed obvious signs of repair, with even the color differences being so noticeable.

“The manager is a good person. He knows my situation, so he gave me a day off around this time last year.”

The girl’s voice was very soft, sweet and clear, just like her eyes.

Her dark, bright eyes reflected the bright street lights as Zhao Mingyue looked up at the darkening sky, her slender fingers reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes were full of emotion. She slowed down a little and suddenly lowered her head with a slight sigh.

In Bai Yu’s eyes, Zhao Mingyue had never seemed so fragile and weak. Her small frame looked like it could be blown over by a gust of wind.

In her impression, Zhao Mingyue’s figure and appearance were secondary. What mattered more was the girl’s personality and temperament.

A bit naive, often seeming a little silly, but actually quite clever. She didn’t have much of a temper and could listen to others’ opinions and words. Most of the time, she was full of youthful vitality, with a smile being her most common expression.

She knew how to find joy in hardship and didn’t procrastinate or beat around the bush when doing things. She also had not a shred of a savior complex.

Without the help of parents, relatives or friends, she supported herself by studying and working part-time, not relying on her appearance to make quick money.

So seeing such a melancholic expression on Zhao Mingyue now puzzled Bai Yu.

So this girl also had things to worry about?

For some reason, she thought of some recent details.

Zhao Mingyue had circled tomorrow’s date on the calendar hanging in her living room. She would occasionally space out while looking at the photos in the living room. Add to that the slightly disappointed look she had at the convenience store earlier, and it was clear that tomorrow was an important day for her.

Pushing her bicycle, Zhao Mingyue passed by a flower shop.

She slowed her pace again, glancing inside, hesitated for a moment, but still stopped her bicycle by the roadside.

“I’m going in to buy some flowers. Wait for me.”

Leaving these words behind, Zhao Mingyue entered the flower shop. From the basket, Miss Rabbit turned its head and could see Zhao Mingyue talking to the shop owner.

After a short while, she came out, holding a few bundles of light-colored carnations.

“Sorry for the wait. I went to buy some flowers to use when I visit my parents’ graves tomorrow.”

“Visiting graves?”

“Yeah. My parents disappeared when I was quite young. When they were found, they had already passed away. That day, my sister very solemnly told me that she was going to take me somewhere. It was also the last time I saw them, or more precisely, saw their remains.”

Zhao Mingyue placed the wrapped carnations in the basket, squeezing them in with Bai Yu.

“Actually, I kind of hate them. They tossed my sister and me around, today at this relative’s house, tomorrow at that neighbor’s. They always looked so gloomy when they came back, and they never even smiled at us.”

“Many times, when they finally came back, they wouldn’t say anything, just stand at the door and smoke.”

“My mom was the same. She never said much, only telling me to study and teaching me to sweet-talk those relatives when I saw them.”

“She wouldn’t even let me play with other kids my age. Whenever she saw me with them, she would scold me harshly. For a long time, I was afraid of interacting with peers.”

“But later, I kind of understood why my mom did that.”

“Since I was little, I was like a jinx. Anyone who got close to me, who had too much contact with me, would definitely not have a good end.”

“One of my childhood friends died because of this, not just her, but two other kids as well.”

“I remember one time, I was secretly taken out by an older kid in the village. Then I saw a dark figure walk out from the corner of the wall, a very thin and tall woman. She took that older kid away. No matter how I shouted, how I called, it was no use. By the time the adults came, that kid had already drowned in a well.”

“Since then, the kids in the village all said I was a devil, that I had a terrifying demon on me.”

“Sigh, it’s all in the past. To be honest, I still respect them a lot. After all, they gave birth to me and raised me, secretly wiping away tears for me more than once.”

“I just didn’t expect that my sister would also disappear later.”

It was already past 7:40 when Zhao Mingyue got home. The sky was very dark, and the light and shadow of the street lamps stretched her shadow very long.

“Your sister only disappeared, right? I believe you’ll find her. For now, take good care of yourself.” Bai Yu wasn’t good at comforting people. After thinking for a long time, that was all she could say.

Zhao Mingyue fell silent for a moment. Her previously melancholic eyes suddenly took on a resentful look. “Mmm… I thought you would say you’d accompany me to visit the graves tomorrow.”

“I… Just come back early.”

Zhao Mingyue, who had just parked her bicycle and was still a little disappointed, blinked her eyes in disbelief when she heard these words. “You agreed?”

“With conditions.”

“Ooh ooh ooh, Little Sister Yu is the best! Don’t worry, I’ll definitely help you put on makeup tonight so no one can tell!”


There was nothing she could do. She really didn’t expect this girl Zhao Mingyue to play the emotional card.

Of course, these were all her personal experiences, just recounted.

But forget it, since she agreed, she agreed.

It’s just, was it appropriate for her to accompany Zhao Mingyue to visit her parents’ graves?


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