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Chapter 68 – Your Little Sister Is My Little Sister

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“The clerk today seems a bit different. Did they change staff?”

“Hey, but I gotta say, that girl is really pretty. It’s just that her skin is too pale, almost doesn’t look like a living person, and those marks on her body…”

“Maybe it’s a skin condition? No big deal. It makes her look like a sickly beauty, doesn’t it?”

“You know what? You’re right, she does have that feel. I just love that kind of half-dead look.”

“Go die, lolicon!”

“Hey, you better explain yourself. If you don’t, you’re not my good buddy anymore. What do you mean lolicon? That girl is clearly a young lady!”

The conversation between the youths faded away. Standing behind the counter, Bai Yu let out an imperceptible sigh, especially when she glanced at Zhao Mingyue, who was sprawled on the counter, snoring loudly and even drooling.

Hearing this girl mumbling something about red envelopes and salary, Bai Yu didn’t even know what to say.

She couldn’t wake her up no matter how she called earlier. Thinking about it, she decided to let her sleep. She was indeed quite tired, having stayed up all night. Her body couldn’t handle it.

Using blood threads, she pushed away the security cameras in the store that could capture this side. Then she materialized to help with the work. When the customers left, she returned to Zhao Mingyue’s shadow and turned the cameras back. The whole process was smooth as flowing water.

Zhao Mingyue had no idea what happened. It was already 10:30 in the morning when the third batch of customers arrived. Only then did she groggily open her eyes.

Noticing the drool at the corner of her mouth, she swiftly grabbed a tissue and wiped it away, then pressed it on the drool stain on the table, pretending as if nothing had happened. She asked the customer in front of her with a smile what they needed.

The customer who came was young, around twenty years old.

His outfit was trendy, especially the overalls he wore, though he looked a bit effeminate.

The youth looked around, hesitating and seeming a bit embarrassed.

He was holding his phone, which had the current popular chat app open.

He had come back to find Bai Yu. He had walked quite far, but after some thought, he felt he had to go back and ask for her contact information.

That girl looked young, but since she could be a store clerk, she must be an adult. If she wasn’t really an adult…

Well, wouldn’t that be even better?

However, after looking around, he didn’t see her figure. Behind the counter was another clerk who looked like she had just woken up.

He didn’t think much of it at first, but upon closer inspection, the boy’s eyes widened.

One phrase could describe his thoughts at that moment.

He never believed in love at first sight, but now, he did.

What kind of divine convenience store was this? Were all the clerks this good-looking?

He couldn’t tell if this clerk or the previous one suited him better because, in his view, both were great.

“Umm, I came to find the clerk from earlier, but never mind. May I ask if I can add you as a friend?” The young man held up his phone, showing his profile page.

“No.” Zhao Mingyue’s mind was completely clear. She shook her head. “If you need anything, you can tell me. As for contact information, forget it. I already have someone I like.”

“Ah, okay. Sorry to bother you.”

The young man left in disappointment. As he pushed open the glass door, the wind chime behind him gently swayed three times. He was probably still immersed in the pain of rejection and didn’t notice this detail.

Only after the young man had left the convenience store did Zhao Mingyue mutter, “Why did the wind chime ring? Is there a ghost on him?”

“Wait, the clerk from earlier?”

Stroking her chin, Zhao Mingyue took out her phone to check the time. It was already 10:30 AM.

“Yu, the clerk he mentioned just now, it wasn’t you, was it?”

“It was me. It definitely couldn’t be someone who slept so soundly that no matter how I called, she wouldn’t wake up.” Bai Yu’s voice resonated in her heart, her tone carrying a hint of resentment.

Zhao Mingyue chuckled awkwardly, her cheeks turning a slight shade of red. “Cough cough, I didn’t do it on purpose.”

“I know. If you did it on purpose, you wouldn’t be drooling.”

“No! What drool? Where? I didn’t see any. You remembered wrong!”

After cleaning up the drool stain, Zhao Mingyue took out Miss Rabbit and tugged on the doll’s little cheeks.

“By the way, thank you for this. I’ve never felt my eyelids so heavy before.”

Having a ghost cover her shift in broad daylight and even getting checked out by a customer, Zhao Mingyue felt a bit embarrassed.

After a long silence, Zhao Mingyue went to wash her face. When she came back, she saw the rabbit doll looking up at her. She understood that Bai Yu had entered the doll’s body again.

“Yu, after I completed my task, the phone gave me a chance to draw a prize. Should I give it a try?”

“You can. Try it when we get back tonight.”

“Mmm, right. What should we do since we didn’t find Xiao Lian’s child?”

Zhao Mingyue hadn’t forgotten the purpose of going to No. 13 Middle School. The task was only one part of it. The main objective was still the ghost Xiao Lian’s child.

Without resolving Xiao Lian, it would always be a problem. She lived in Sunshine Apartments and didn’t want to wake up to Xiao Lian’s terrifying ghost face.

“It doesn’t matter. Lu Liangting will take care of it.”

“I see, that works too.”


After another long silence, Zhao Mingyue fiddled with the rabbit doll’s body and suddenly asked, “Last night, I always felt that you seemed off. Did something happen there? Umm… Was it related to your past?”

She had no idea about Bai Yu’s past and didn’t dare ask too much, afraid that if she asked too much, the relationship she had painstakingly built with Bai Yu would shatter.

“It’s not my past, it’s that person’s.”

“Shen Shuyun?”

“Yes, her. That school is her memory, and she’s one of my old friends. I have many friends like her, so I just want to know if all my friends will have such a place, including me.”

Zhao Mingyue is very smart. With Bai Yu’s explanation, she immediately understood her meaning.

She wanted to see her little sister again, didn’t she?

She knew in her heart but didn’t know how to say it. After hesitating for a long time, Zhao Mingyue spoke, “Umm… I don’t know how to comfort people, but I think there will definitely be a chance. When the time comes, if you still need me, I’ll accompany you there. If there’s danger, we’ll face it together.”

“That place is very dangerous, and it’s highly likely I won’t be able to help you then.”

“It’s fine. I’m getting stronger, aren’t I? As long as I do more tasks and strengthen my body, I’ll be able to help you.”

After completing two major tasks, one at Sunshine Apartments and one at No. 13 Middle School, Zhao Mingyue’s physical fitness had taken a big leap forward.

“Umm… Mainly, I want to personally hand Miss Rabbit to Little Bai Sisi when the time comes.”

As soon as these words came out, the red eyes of the rabbit doll flickered slightly. Then it lowered its head and didn’t continue speaking.


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