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Chapter 67 – Going Home

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Chen Yun had saved his life before. This was a favor, a big one, second only to her.

Yet Chen Yun died here. The only clues were a puddle of foul black blood and a worm.

Lu Liangting didn’t go to wear the red dance shoes on the corpse’s feet. He sat beside Chen Yun’s body for a very, very long time. In the end, he took out his cell phone and called the police and an ambulance.

He had already called the police several times within a month. Those police officers were long used to him. The officer who answered the call, upon learning it was Lu Liangting calling, didn’t ask much and handed the phone to his superior.

“This has never been a game. Death is one of the prices of failure.”

“I can’t do anything for you, but I promise I will help you find your murderer and avenge you.”

Lu Liangting didn’t know if Chen Yun’s remnant resentment could hear him, but these words were his current innermost thoughts.

“You’re right, Liangting. Why don’t I help you think of a way?”

In the darkness, someone walked out. It was also a young girl. Lu Liangting recognized her.

“I can give you some clues, on the condition that you have to promise me some things.”

The girl narrowed her eyes. In the darkness, she sized up Lu Liangting’s body, her tongue licking her bright red lips.

This male protagonist was quite useless, but handsome, the type she liked.

She had tried both men and women before, but after becoming a woman, she hadn’t tried doing it with men. She felt Lu Liangting was pretty good now. Even if he wasn’t the male protagonist, she would still make a move.

“Life is about seeking a feeling. Watching friends get killed is a feeling. Revenge is also a feeling. My whole life, I’ve been pursuing different feelings. So, do you agree?”

“Is that so? Then do you want to experience what it feels like to be dead?”

Another figure came up the stairs, slender and wearing high heels.



“You brought them in?”

“Yes, this is a little gesture of my sincerity.”

Faced with Bai Yu’s questioning, Shen Shuyun admitted openly.

She and Bai Yu were standing on the rooftop of the teaching building, looking down at someone climbing over the school gate.

“Don’t you want to know if other participants have memories that need to be recovered?”


“Let them interact more with Lu Liangting. Only by following this main character can they find the location of their memories. So I don’t recommend killing them. Only if they follow Lu Liangting into the next task will you know if they’re in the same situation as me.”

Shen Shuyun spoke with a smile. She probably knew what Bai Yu wanted now. The purpose of doing this was also to survive.

Not fearing death and finding a way to avoid it were not contradictory.

She wasn’t afraid of death, but that didn’t mean she wanted to die.

Now that she had found her memories and her mind was clear, she felt relaxed all over. So she wanted to pursue some other things, such as capturing Lu Liangting’s heart.

“Anyway, you also know my identity. You’re aware of my every move. As I said before, cooperate for a win-win. Let me go after Lu Liangting, and you go find your answers. I can secretly help you.”

She sincerely wanted to cooperate. Who wouldn’t want to work with the number one on the list?

Not to mention, just not being targeted by this person was enough to tempt anyone.

“Okay.” Bai Yu spat out a word and then disappeared from the rooftop.

Today’s task was of great significance to her.

She really hoped things were as she guessed, that every game participant had one chance, not randomly selected.

She had too many regrets about that memory.

She had been trying to make up for it, desperately looking for opportunities after joining the Scum Game to the point of killing her way to the top of the list. She had been extremely cautious with every step, yet at times, she would disregard life and death, which was why she managed to survive.

Now, she finally had hope, however faint.

“This time, I won’t lose you again…”

The sky was dimly lit. Zhao Mingyue saw the police come again. She knew it was Lu Liangting who called them.

She had been hiding in the school building the whole time. After completing the 【Front Door, Back Door】 task, she waited for the main task to complete.

Before the police found the building, she passed through the weeds and climbed over the wall. After checking that there were no police around, she found her little bicycle and directly made her escape.

She really didn’t want to face those police officers. It would waste a lot of time going back and forth.

She still had to go to work in the morning.

“Ah~ So sleepy.”

Riding on the road, Zhao Mingyue yawned.

A night without sleep, coupled with a night of exhaustion and high concentration, made her feel sleepy and tired as soon as she relaxed. This was with the mental boost from successfully completing the task. Otherwise, she didn’t dare imagine how poor her condition would be.

“I really want to go home and sleep.”

The bicycle swayed left and right on the road.

“Go sleep at the store. I’ll wake you up if someone comes.” Seeing her like this, Bai Yu helplessly spoke.

Hearing Bai Yu’s words, Zhao Mingyue immediately perked up. “Mmmmm, Big Sister Yu is the best!”

The bicycle stopped swaying. On the way, Zhao Mingyue even had breakfast, a basket of steamed buns and a cup of steaming hot soy milk. She still felt distressed about this because if she ate at home, she only needed bread that cost a few cents and a cup of almost free boiled water.


The bell hanging at the door made a crisp sound. As Zhao Mingyue entered, the wind chime not far away also swayed as usual. However, this time, it was different from before. It didn’t just ring five times but rang one more time before stopping. Zhao Mingyue noticed this detail.

As always, the old manager stood behind the counter. Seeing Zhao Mingyue, he greeted her, completely ignoring the windless ringing of the wind chimes.

“Mingyue, you don’t seem to be in good shape today.”

“Ah, Manager, you’re right, I’m not in good shape today. I had insomnia last night.”

“Insomnia? Drink more tea. I can recommend a few books to you. They’re all quite boring. If you read them for half an hour before bed, you’ll definitely get sleepy.” The old manager joked. He took off the convenience store apron on his body and put it aside, revealing a neat and tidy suit underneath.

Just like always, his hair was meticulously styled with hair gel. His black leather shoes were polished to a shine.

With his entire getup, he wouldn’t make people think he was an insurance salesman. They would only think he was probably the CEO of some listed company.

“I have some things to take care of, so I’ll go first. I’m leaving this place to you. Oh, and I’ll settle your salary from last month tomorrow, along with a little red envelope. Go out and have a nice meal to recharge.”

As soon as she heard that her salary would be paid and there would even be a red envelope, all of Zhao Mingyue’s debuffs seemed to be cleared at this moment. Even her eyes brightened considerably.

However, in the morning, she still slept like a log.

When customers came, even Bai Yu couldn’t wake her up.


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