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Chapter 66 – Lu Liangting You ****ing ****

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Bai Yu didn’t know who Chen Yun was.

What she did know was that the woman she had just caught was about to inject a ghost’s resentment into Zhao Mingyue’s body. This thing was poison to the living. Such a person deserved punishment.


“I’m here.” Zhao Mingyue responded softly upon hearing Bai Yu call her name.

In fact, she hadn’t been controlled for long. Chen Yun’s attack couldn’t have hit her. Even if Bai Yu hadn’t appeared, she had the strength to fight back.

Of course, it was naturally a good thing that Bai Yu came to the rescue, just in case.

“Turn around.”

“Huh?” Zhao Mingyue blinked, a little puzzled, but still obediently turned around.


Droplets of fresh blood splattered. Chen Yun’s pupils constricted violently.

She didn’t even see the attack coming. She only felt something slice across her throat. Before she could feel the warm liquid flowing out, an excruciating pain shot from her neck.

Her breathing sounded like a broken bellows. She had the illusion that her whole body was “leaking air” but couldn’t suck it back in no matter what. Her life force was rapidly draining away.

Her body fell powerlessly to the ground. Chen Yun rolled her eyes upward and saw that ghost actually pick up her talisman with her hand. Even though her fingers were burned to the point of melting, she calmly read it, her expression not changing in the slightest.

She felt icy cold all over, unsure if it was from fear or excessive blood loss.

She knew how much damage and suffering this kind of talisman would bring to ghosts. Let alone direct contact, even if the talisman was within a meter, ghosts would suffer unbearable pain. Looking directly at the eyes on it would cause a mental breakdown.

Yet this ghost remained expressionless until the talisman’s power was completely depleted, turning to ash and dissipating in mid-air.

Contemplating the talisman, the ghost looked at her half-corroded palm as if pondering something. Countless blood threads surged from her wound, intertwining and repairing her palm.

Chen Yun felt her mind growing dull. Suddenly, the ghost turned her gaze towards her again.

Her pupils contracted. It was too late to close her eyes.


A cone formed from blood threads pierced out from her chest, right where her heart was, a single fatal strike.

One slash to the throat, one stab to the heart, two lethal wounds. Bai Yu didn’t bother with Chen Yun anymore. She clenched the hand that had been corroded earlier, feeling that there weren’t any major issues, just that the blood threads in her body had been consumed.

“This thing is not simple. It seems like the power of something is transmitted through the talisman and symbols to achieve the effect of harming ghosts.”

“Talismans… Is this person the Chen Yun that Lu Liangting mentioned? Is she a game participant?”

Bai Yu didn’t expect to find Chen Yun so easily and take her out so effortlessly.

Compared to Chen Yun, Bai Yu was more curious about where this talisman came from.

Did Chen Yun draw it herself?

If so, she was far too weak. Would the power source willingly lend its power to Chen Yun?

Zhao Mingyue hesitated for a moment. At Bai Yu’s suggestion, she ignored Chen Yun, went over and took the dance shoes off the corpse’s feet. After Bai Yu laid some blood threads inside, she put them on.

Perhaps it was because the ghost was eliminated early. After Zhao Mingyue put on the shoes, nothing happened and the task was considered a success, even granting her a slight increase in speed.

“Are we just going to leave like this?” At the stairs, Zhao Mingyue glanced back at Chen Yun.

“Yes, let’s go.”

“I mean, shouldn’t we hit her again or something?”

“No need.”

“Cough cough.” Zhao Mingyue felt her own words were a bit strange. She coughed to change the subject. “A few ghosts came up from outside.”

“It’s fine. Someone can handle it.”

Shen Shuyun was also brought over. Mainly, Bai Yu wanted to see her changes and take care of those ghost parents along the way.

Zhao Mingyue was going to do other tasks. On the way, she told Bai Yu about her experiences at the youth center.

It was quite scary, but thinking of her future gave her motivation.

“I really have to thank Miss Rabbit this time. She gave me courage.”

Taking the rabbit doll out of her pocket and giving it a smooch, Zhao Mingyue grinned and asked, “What about you? Did you gain anything over there?”

“Some gains. What exactly, we’ll know after we get out.”

The gain was naturally Shen Shuyun’s memories.

This counted as completing the task, but what the reward was, Bai Yu didn’t know yet.

Whether there was a reward or not didn’t matter. What mattered was the event itself.

If every game participant had such a memory, then it would be really interesting.



“Who’s there?!”

On the third floor of the youth center, Lu Liangting had just come up when he saw something lying on the ground. The flashlight shone over, only to find that it was actually a corpse.

And when he saw the “corpse’s” face, he was completely shocked.

“Chen Yun!”

Seeing Chen Yun’s slashed throat and heart, Lu Liangting only felt a chill surge into his heart.

Perhaps Chen Yun was lucky. Even with such horrific injuries, she still wasn’t dead.

Realizing this, Lu Liangting hurriedly used the medical kit he carried with him for emergency treatment. In his view, this was Chen Yun’s fortune, and it was indeed so. Chen Yun’s heart was different from ordinary people’s. Her heart was on the right side. As for the wound on her throat, a mass of black, foul-smelling blood was wrapped around it.

This blackened, putrid blood clot maintained Chen Yun’s last bit of life force, sealing her fatal throat wound.

And the coincidence was just that.

When Lu Liangting was providing first aid, he discovered this blood clot. Instinctively thinking that this lump of foul-smelling blood was left by the “culprit”, he frowned and casually cleaned it away.

With that, the last breath Chen Yun was clinging to completely disappeared.

It was just that she had lost consciousness from excessive blood loss. If she knew that Lu Liangting, in his well-intentioned attempt to save her, had removed her life-saving curse as a foreign object, she would cough up even more blood.

And Lu Liangting, the “murderer” at this moment, was silently clenching his fists.

Twice, it had been twice already.

The first time at Sunshine Apartments, Xia Han was killed.

And this time, his good friend Chen Yun also died at the task location.

The lingering body warmth couldn’t last until the ambulance arrived. She died in his arms.

And the only clue left for him was that lump of black, foul-smelling blood.

This definitely didn’t come from Chen Yun’s body. How could her blood start rotting so soon after she was attacked?

“A worm?”

Pinching the blood clot open, Lu Liangting actually saw a black worm wriggling inside.

He didn’t mind the worm covered in foul blood. He even wrapped it in a cloth strip and kept it on his person.

Because in his view, this was the only clue to finding the murderer.


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