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Chapter 45 – Creating a Makeshift Alchemical Cauldron

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Author: Eltria Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mui English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Robinxen

At the edge of the classroom desk, a container storing a substance resembling gray clay was placed. As I entered the classroom with Alfe, I wondered if I had mistaken the classroom for our lesson, but it seemed that was not the case.

“What are we going to do today?”
“I don’t know… but it’s probably something practical or applied rather than theoretical.”

Answering Alfe’s question, I carefully observed the contents of the container. At first glance, the gray substance resembling clay in front of me seemed to be a byproduct generated during the alchemical synthesis of the alchemical metal Reivaskin. From my perspective, it seemed like waste, but I couldn’t immediately figure out what they intended to do with it.

Reivaskin itself was created by synthesizing equal amounts of lead and iron with a non-attributed magic stone. It was a product that was extremely lightweight yet durable. Considering the large quantity present here, it might have been acquired from military facilities. According to my father, it seemed that new Mecha Soldiers had been introduced, and they may have used it for armor.

Thinking about it, even the materials used in class revealed the close relationship between this school, this town—and ultimately, this country. With the addition of higher education institutions in the future, choosing to enroll in this elementary school seems to have been the right decision.

While pondering the possible uses of this clay, my thoughts unintentionally drifted to something else. Nevertheless, what do they plan to do with this clay that seems destined for industrial waste?

“Today, using ‘Kaitaba,’ we will create earthenware. If made properly, it can be used as a makeshift alchemical cauldron, so everyone, let’s do our best.”

Teacher Vanessa, who took over alchemy classes from the third year, concluded the explanation of the clay on the desks and announced the class’ goal.

I didn’t know until the explanation, but it seemed that this clay, which would otherwise become industrial waste, was discovered to be reusable as a material for bricks after the industrial revolution. It became widely used as paving material for roads. In modern times, this clay called ‘Kaitaba’ was even used in the cobblestone roads that make up the streets of this town.

Having the properties of bricks and being usable as road pavement material, it should indeed withstand the application of a makeshift alchemical cauldron. The idea of turning it into earthenware was an interesting concept.

Discovering uses that I hadn’t thought of myself in unexpected places like this fostered a new curiosity for me as someone learning anew in the modern era. However, when intellectual curiosity was stimulated, the desire to continue my past research arose. In my lifetime as Glass, pursuing the ‘search for truth’ was something I aspired to, but in the modern era, it had become a past study appearing in textbooks. Yet, I hoped to reach that level even in this lifetime.

Come to think of it, as Glass, I had stored the magical tome ‘Ars Magna’ in a dimension called the ‘World of Truth.’ It contained all the knowledge I’ve built up as Glass, and since it could summon every magic I’ve ever seen in the form of a simplified formula, it would be a helpful aid in enriching my life from now on. It also included notes on unfinished alchemical experiments, and the research related to the Black Stone Disease may be catching up technologically. I hope I won’t experience the same things in this lifetime, but considering the uncertainties ahead, it was probably wise to keep it close at hand.

I had backed up my knowledge in preparation for unforeseen circumstances when replacing my body with a homunculus. However, due to being executed by a Kamut, I had to go and retrieve it after reincarnating, which was quite ironic. Nevertheless, that alternate dimension was not an easily accessible place, and even though three hundred years have passed, it was likely still the same. Besides, if someone other than me happened to get their hands on it, it would just be a thick book of blank pages. It might be cumbersome, but I would have to open the dimensional gate and go retrieve it.

Kneading the clay-like Kaitaba, I reminisced about past research. It was interesting how the sensations from the past came back while my fingers were in motion, contemplating.

As the teacher recommended turning the earthenware into a makeshift alchemical cauldron, I wanted to make something reasonably large. If it was portable for me, and could be used for mixing and simmering—though not for distilling—it could be used as a disposable alchemical cauldron. Depending on what was being synthesized, there was a need for a new cauldron, and even in cases where it wasn’t necessary, it was still better to use a new one for things like Alfe’s contact lens.

Moreover, for the alchemical synthesis of Darklight used in the ritual to open the alternate dimension, a disposable cauldron was essential. The dark matter1 used in its production raised concerns about its impact on the human body.

“…Oh dear…”

I heard teacher Vanessa’s murmurs from close proximity, bringing me back to reality.

“You made quite an elaborate one, Leafa.”

While lost in my thoughts, the clay unconsciously took the shape of an alchemical cauldron. Since I was making it without much thought, it turned out to be remarkably similar to the cauldron I used when I was Glass.

“Leafa, yours looks so cool.”

Alfe, who had been making a small cauldron about the size of both palms, smiled at me. Seeing that there was almost no clay left in the container prepared on the desk, it seemed that I had unwittingly used up Alfe’s share as well.

“Alfe, I’m sorry. I used too much…”

The Teacher’s comment might not have been just praise for me; it could have been a subtle reprimand. Feeling a bit guilty, I lowered my head and glanced at the teacher, but she smiled warmly and handed another container to me.

“It’s proof that you made it with a clear purpose in mind. You can use as much as you need.”
“Excuse me…”

What I had intended to discuss after class had already become a reality.

“Leafa, in times like this, you should say ‘thank you.’”

Alfe whispered softly to me, who had become completely apologetic. Feeling embarrassed, I nodded in acknowledgment, and teacher Vanessa continued calmly.

“Also, if you want it to withstand practical use, you can consider coating it with Calmarte. It increases the strength.”

Calmarte was a silver-colored alchemical metal that had silver as its base and incorporated Mythrite steel. By plating the surface of the earthenware with it, it could enhance heat resistance due to its ability to block temperature changes, providing high defense against both cold and heat.

“It’s an expensive material, so we can’t use as much as we want… but it’ll also serve as a demonstration for plating. Shall we give it a try?”
“T-Thank you very much.”

Always understanding what I’m trying to do and offering the most suitable responses. I really couldn’t help but be impressed by the educational philosophy of this school.



  1. Author used ‘antimater’ kanji and gave it ‘dark matter’ as reading… but they are different things : D
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