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Chapter 3: Stats and Shocking Reality

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Author: Waxford Original Source: Scribble Hub

Calm down. I need to calm down. This is a game. Just a game. The system is new so it’s only natural that there are still bugs that need solved. Even that cat AI was acting weird. A menu. There must be a menu.

While having those thoughts a transparent game like menu did appear before me. The first thing that appeared were my level, stats and gear.


Level – 135

HP – 184220

MP – 12700

Attack Power – 265780

Defense – 205775

Agility – 252510


New Year Celestial Fox Avatar set

Demon Subjugator Top

Abyss Dragon Skirt

Nightmare Realm Arm Guards

Evil God’s Leg Guards

Dragon Queen’s Belt

Forbidden Kitsune Spear, Chaoscaliber

Demon Fox Bells

Demon Fox Shoulder Guard

Demon Fox Chaos Ring

Demon Fox Collar

Yup. No questions there. These were all my in game stats. I reached the current level cap available which as of today was 135. And my gear was the same. In Astral Storm Online gear was divided in 10 slots: weapon, top, bottom, arms, legs and torso. Then there was the 4 accessories slots: shoulders, ring, earrings, necklace. 10 pieces in total. And they were my hard farmed legendary lvl 125 gear.

I continue to scroll down with my eyes. This menu is very intuitive. Eventually I got to the part that I wanted to see.

Gender – Unknown Unique skills detected

I was lost for words. What do you mean unknown!? And what’s that unique skills thing? Well the cat AI did say it will give me some special abilities. But what are they doing next to gender? I tried focusing on the highlighted text. And soon a new menu popped up:

Succubus fluids – Your saliva is a very potent aphrodisiac. Those who drink it will immediately get aroused and their sensitivity will increase

D̲i̲c̲k̲ concealment – wearing female panties feels natural to you; even micro bikini won’t inconvenience you at all and for everyone that looks at you no bulge will be visible

Strawberry – for you c̲u̲m̲ will taste like strawberry yogurt

Mesmerizing c̲u̲m̲ – your own c̲u̲m̲ creates dependency, so regardless if it’s normal, oral or a̲n̲a̲l̲, your partner will be attracted and come back for more


I was at a loss for words. What’s with these sexual abilities? How are you even supposed to use them in a game to begin with? Can VR really go that far? 2nd… I realized that there was a big bug in the game. Given the nature of these skills… I’m labeled as something you would call a futanari.

According to society there are 3 types of people labeled with the general name of futanari. First we have the so called shemales. Basically you have a female body but male genitals. P̲e̲n̲i̲s̲ and balls. Then there are the ones that have a p̲e̲n̲i̲s̲ and a p̲u̲s̲s̲y̲. And of course, there’s also the ones that have all 3: p̲e̲n̲i̲s̲, balls and p̲u̲s̲s̲y̲. All these generally fall into the futa category.

I wonder what type am I…

“Well well… what do we have here? Are you lost, lady? Hahaha…”

I turned my head around to check were the sound was coming from. From the bushes a group of 5 men appeared. Judging by their looks they’re either mercenaries or bandits. Is this the game’s tutorial or something? It also appeared that the guy with heavy laughter is their leader. I tried looking at each one of them.

In Astral Storm Online the game had a system that didn’t let you see other players stats. You could only see their name and levels. It made pvp more exciting. But these guys… the 4 henchmen are in the level 2-4 range. And this big bald boss of theirs was level 5. Weak. As I also took a glance at their swords… they were common iron swords. No better than the gear you start out with. Extremely weak.

“Looking at our weapons? Don’t be scared. If you cooperate we won’t use them. After all you’re such a premium catch for us.”

“Hey boss, her clothes look weird. And look… she has 7 tails. Is she some sort of demi-human?”

“Who cares! She’s probably a foreigner that got lost. A woman is a woman.”

How do I react to this? Are they planning on raping me? Is this part of the plot? What am I supposed to do now? I’m also not that good at holding normal conversations unless it’s beer talk.

One of the henchmen grabbed my wrist and started stroking my but. Pervert! This is sexual harassment!

“Don’t even think about running! We got you now, so there’s no escape for you.”

They were coming close to me… well, I better get into character too. After all, I’m not myself right now. I’m Izunahime. I displayed a devilish smile.

“Mongrels! Do you really think you can have your way around with me? Weaklings like you? Receive my judgement!”

I threw my bare hand at the head of the henchman that was holding me and with a simple twist of my wrist I snapped his neck. As expected… too weak. A chill started to envelope the remaining guys.

“Damn it! You’ll pay for that! Come on out all of you!”

More men were hidden in the forest. Not before long I found myself surrounded by 20 men. But again… they were just too weak. At that level… 20 or 200… it ain’t gonna make a difference. Let me show you why I stand above everyone else.


One of them came at me with his sword. I blocked the blade with my pinky finger.

“Wha…!? How can that be?”

The man took more swings, but all were being blocked by my little finger. Something like this can’t even be called sport. I don’t even need a weapon to deal with them. I swiped his leg and with my hands I grabbed both his lower and upper body. One hand pulled and the other pushed. I ripped his body in two. Blood came gushing out.

Wait… Blood. This doesn’t make sense. Back in Astral Storm there weren’t stuff like corpses. Enemies vanished into light. And the smell… it can’t be.

“You’re telling me this isn’t a game!? It’s all f̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g̲ real!?”

I just killed a person. Not an NPC or game character. But an actual living person. The men were taken aback by my weird reaction, but some of them started shouting.

“She’s a monster!”

“Oi boss, that’s something we can’t possibly defeat!”

“Quit your blabbering! We outnumber her! There’s nothing to fear! Go on. Attack!”

Are you seriously telling me I have to commit murder? I can easily dispose of them… but I don’t know my own strength yet. I’ll just end up killing all of them. Isn’t there a peaceful solution? As my mind was being flooded by thoughts… one of the men got hit in the back by and arrow.

“Kuh! Damn it! Boss! It’s the guards! They found us! And in their lead is…”

“So… is this where you were hiding? Trying to harm poor girls? Honestly, Rimus, the bounty put on your head is hardly worth the effort.”

A female knight followed by both men and women in shiny armors stepped in. Yes! I’m saved! They’ll just gonna arrest them and…

“Men! Kill all the bandits! Don’t leave a single soul alive!”

The reality of this place… is shocking me too much…

Be sure to support the author, Waxford, by going to this chapter’s Scribble Hub page and donating to his PayPal!


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