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Chapter 18 Age Eleven(2)

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Perfect Girl Chapter 17 Age Eleven(1)

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Chapter 17 Age Eleven(1)

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“142.2 cm”

Mom and I are measuring my height.

“Is that all I’ve grown? Measure it carefully again.”

“It isn’t going to change, though?”

Mom spread out the tape measure and measured my height again.

“Hah. This time it’s 142 cm ~.”

“No, that’s unfair. How could my height decrease when you measured it again? Are you sure you measured me correctly?”

“Yes, I measured you correctly~.”

“Ah. I thought I’d be a little taller.”

I still have 28 centimeters left to reach 170 cm.
Growth plates, please work hard.

“Now, Doa, come over here and let’s measure your height.”

Mom called for Doa gesturing for her to come over.


Doa stood against the wall for the measurement.

“Doa is 116.2 cm. My little baby is growing so fast, isn’t she?”

“Yes, she’ll be taller than Unni.”

Doa being taller than me is absolutely not acceptable.

“No, Doa has to remain smaller than her Unni for the rest of her life. Unni will cherish you forever, okay?”

“I don’t want to, I’m going to grow.”

“Sob, Sob, no… you’re already too tall.”

Doa has grown too much before I knew it.
I can’t even hold Doa in my arms anymore.

I hugged Doa and said tearfully.

“My little baby will someday leave her Unni’s arms and become a student, right?”

“Yeah, I’ll be 8 years old next year?”

“And what if my little baby gets a boyfriend? Unni is already sad, sobbing…”

Mom, who had been listening from the side, spoke.

“Why is Doa your baby and not my baby? Come here, my baby.”

But Doa was still held by me.
Eventually, Mom came and hugged Doa along with me hugging her.
Doa suddenly, sandwiched between Mom and me, complained about the discomfort.

“Ah, let go, I can’t breathe.”

“Doa, you shouldn’t get a boyfriend until you’re an adult, and even then, you need Unni’s permission.”

“Dohee, the same goes for you. You shouldn’t date until you’re an adult. Even when you become an adult you have to get Mom’s permission.”

I released Doa and, with a flirtatious tone, said while stroking my face.

“Who would dare to possess me? No one can have me. I’m too precious to give myself to someone else.”


Then, gazing at the mirror next to me, I recited as if in self-adoration.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all? Princess Doa, of course! Hehehe.”

“Doa, close your eyes. dirty, filth.”


Mom changed the subject, probably thinking that I was making a fool out of myself.

“So, the new school year starts next week. Are you prepared for school?”

Back to reality.

“Yes… I’m going into 4th grade now… When will I graduate?”

“It will be soon. Is that not a good thing?”

“No… An extraordinary talent like mine is too big for an elementary school to handle. A bigger world is calling me desperately.”

“Ugh, go play the piano. The competition is coming up soon.”

“There’s no need to practice anymore. It’s obvious who’s going to win anyway.”

Then, I covered my mouth with my hand and asked Mom with a surprised expression.

“Oh my, could it be!”

“Could it be what?”

“Could it be that you do not know about the charming genius girl Lee Dohee, who has won eleven consecutive grand prizes at piano competitions?”

“Wow, how shameless. whose daughter is this annoying?”

“Hehe, the kind of shamelessness that’s backed by ability is actually confidence and charm, Mom. I hope her mom realizes how attractive her daughter is later on.”

“If only you could just stop talking.”

– Ding Dong –

“The teacher is here. Go open the door.”


I went to the front door, opened it, and ran to hug the teacher.

“Teacher-nim, you’re here?”

“Our little Dohee still wants to be held. No matter how old she gets, she’s still a baby.”

“But…! Isn’t it because my infantile instincts are awakened by teacher-nim’s maternal love?!”

Then I looked at my mother’s chest next to me.

“Mom has maternal love…”

“You come here.”

I ran to go under the bed as usual.

My head goes in, but my body doesn’t.
I ended up getting stuck with just my head under the bed.

“Mom, let’s have a truce.”

But Mom, without a word, grabbed my legs and started pulling.

“Ah, Mom, wait! My head is stuck!”

“You need to be punished.”

Eventually, I was pulled until my hair almost came out, and Mom dragged me by the leg all the way to the living room where I was punished by my mother.

After the punishment was over,
Mom, holding Doa, spoke to the waiting teacher.

“Haha, I’m so sorry for showing you such an embarrassing side of myself, teacher. Doa, come here. The teacher looks tired.”

“This place is comfortable.”

It seems Doa has also realized how wonderful the teacher’s breasts are.
Doa, leaning against the chest, shows no intention of leaving.

“Oh, no, Ma’am. I envy how close you are with Dohee. I wish I had a daughter like Dohee.”

“Even if it’s just empty words, thank you. Dohee is such a troublemaker, even more than the boys, ugh… If Doa hadn’t been here, I would have thought all daughters were like that.”

“Haha, it’s better than being timid.”

“Yes, indeed. Doa, come over now. Unni needs to have her lesson with the teacher.”


I went into the room with the teacher and started the lesson.
The only regret I have as I wish to grow quickly is that I can no longer sit on the teacher’s lap and lean against her chest during the lesson.
I’ve become too heavy as I grew taller.

“Dohee, have you chosen a piece for the competition?”

“I’m going to play Chopin’s Etude No. 10.”

“Now you even know how to select piano pieces well. The Teacher-nim doesn’t need to help you anymore.”

“Hey, how could I play the piano without Teacher-nim?”

“No, you can do it well enough. Moreover, it seems you won’t be able to have lessons with the teacher anymore.”

“Why not?”

“Teacher-nim is getting married to her boyfriend this time.”


“Yes, would Teacher-nim lie about something like this? The teacher is 29 now and it’s time that she should get married.”

“Sure, even teachers have their own lives to live.
At 29, you should be getting married…
Even so, I’m angry at the man who’s taking my teacher away.
She was the only one I thought I could give myself to.

“Can’t the lessons continue?”

“Huu, Dohee, you promised your teacher that I would stop teaching after getting married. And while I understand Dohee’s feelings, it can’t be done.”

The teacher seemed to have made up her mind to get married and quit teaching.

“I’m sorry. So, when are you getting married?”

“In a month and a half later, on April 7.”

“So, you’ll be getting married after the competition in the following week.”

“Yes, I think this will be my last competition with Dohee.


“Dohee, don’t be too sad. It’s not like we’ll never see each other again. You can always visit and play with me anytime.”


“Oh, Dohee, come here. The teacher will give you a hug.”

I embraced the teacher and said,



“Can I meet the person who will marry you before you get married?”

I needed to see what kind of guy was taking her away.

“Okay. The teacher has already talked about Dohee a lot and he said he wants to meet you too.”

“So, when can I meet him?”

“Is tomorrow okay?”


“Tomorrow morning, Teacher-nim and my fiancé are going to look at furniture. We can meet in the afternoon.”

After the lesson, Mom and Teacher-nim talked.

“Oh, you’re getting married? Congratulations~”

“Haha, thank you. So, it seems like I’ll have to stop tutoring after this competition.”

“It can’t be helped. Dohee will be quite sad.”

“I already talked to Dohee about it. That’s why we’re planning to have fun tomorrow. Is that alright?”

“Of course.”




The next day,
I was sitting in front of the bus stop, waiting for the teacher.
Even though I said I would take the bus to the meeting place myself, Teacher-nim insisted on picking me up by car.

A little later, a black sedan pulled up in front of me, and I got into the car.


“Oh, Dohee, you’re dressed so pretty today, too?”

“Since I’m going on a date with you, of course, I need to look nice.”

“Haha, it’s not a date. The teacher’s fiancé is here too, you know?”

“…Right. So, where is your fiancé? Isn’t he supposed to be here with you?”

“He said he will be waiting at the café after deciding on the furniture.”


“So, what kind of café does Dohee like?”

“I don’t know much about cafés, so any café is fine with me.”

“This place we’re going to this time is very famous.”

As I chatted with the teacher, we soon arrived at the café.

Holding hands with my teacher, we went inside and I saw a tall-looking man.


Hearing that from the teacher’s mouth, darling…

“Ah, you’re here? So you’re Dohee? You’re as cute as I have heard~”

I tried to be positive, but I couldn’t muster any good feelings out of me.


“Hahaha… Shall we order something to drink first? What do you like, Dohee?”


My teacher in response to my rude answer says to the thief,

“Dohee likes iced chocolate.”

“I see. Shall I also order a cake as well?”


While the thief went to order, I sat down and pondered what questions to ask.

“Dohee, why are you so prickly today?”

I guess I made it too obvious.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, I know you’re acting this way because Dohee likes Teacher-nim. But can you bear with it a little bit longer?”


The thief returned with the drinks and cake.
He brought them out quickly.

The thief smiled as if he was pretending to be gentle, and placed the cake and iced chocolate in front of me.

“Now, here you go.”

I worried if the teacher might fall for such a pretense.
I was concerned.

“Yes, thank you.”

After the thief sat down, I began my interrogation.

“I heard that Dohee has won 11 consecutive grand prizes in the piano competitions?”


“Huh…? Me?”

“Yes, ahjussi.”

“Hahaha, am I already a ahjussi? With an 18-year age gap, I guess I am like an ahjussi.”

He also has the facade of a cheerful personality.
I can’t accept it.
It’s all 100% fake.

“What do you like about Teacher-nim? Although there are countless things.”

“Well, she’s kind and considerate to everyone?”

I grabbed the teacher’s chest and shouted.

“Don’t lie! I know it’s because of these breasts!”

Teacher-nim’s face turned red, seeming embarrassed and flustered.

“Dohee, what outlandish thing are you saying!?”

“I know… Because I’m also fascinated by her chest. If you had openly admitted it was her chest, I might have understood you to be an honest man, but you’re a hypocrite.”

The thief also seemed flustered and unsure of what to do.

“Well, of course, there’s that too, that’s one of Yeonji’s positives.”

“I knew it. A hypocrite who only cares about appearances.”

“Ah… No…”

“Lee Dohee! What kind of behavior is this towards an adult? The teacher didn’t invite you to play with her, so you could talk like this..”

I guess I snapped without realizing it.
Okay. Relax…

“Sigh. I was rude, wasn’t I? I’m sorry, ahjussi.”

“It’s okay, Dohee. I can feel how much Dohee really likes our Yeonji.”

It’s definitely a pretense.
There’s no one who can smile after being treated so rudely like this.

“So, ahjussi, what do you do for a living?”

“For work? I’m currently working as a doctor at a university hospital.”

I’ve lost.
There’s nothing lacking in his looks, personality, and abilities.

“Our teacher… Please take good care of her…”

Seeing me suddenly become so humble, the man seemed taken aback.

“Y- Yes…”

I lost as a man to another man.


I, exhausted, lay back on the soft café chair and closed my eyes.

‘Today, I hate myself for being born as a girl.’

“Student, hello.”

When I opened my eyes to the sound directed towards me, I see an unknown man looking at me.


‘What, is he a lolicon?’

TLN: If any of you are confused by the -nim it’s just a way to show respect to someone. Well I just decided to add it now so it’s probably going to be inconsistent. Welp my translations my rules.

[1] – ahjussi – means uncle


Perfect Girl Chapter 16 Age Eight(END)

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Chapter 16 Age Eight(END)

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Perfect Girl Chapter 15 Age Eight(5)

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Man f this I had a sore neck while translating

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Chapter 15 Age Eight(5)

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Chapter 14 Age Eight(4)

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Perfect Girl Chapter 13 Age Eight(3)

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Chapter 13 Age Eight(3)

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Perfect Girl Chapter 12 Age Eight(2)

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Chapter 12 Age Eight(2)

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Perfect Girl Chapter 11 Age Eight(1)

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Chapter 11 Age Eight(1)

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Perfect Girl Chapter 10 Age Five(END)

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