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Chapter 1 – Pirate’s Havoc (Part 1)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Tanaka English Source: Re:Library

The sea—often hailed as the cradle of all life, the nurturing mother that stretches to a boundless horizon.

At times, it is a benevolent cradle of life, abundant and giving. At other times, it embodies nature’s fury, swallowing the fragile lives of humans into its vast depths like mere bubbles.

Humans are drawn to the sea, yet they relentlessly challenge its might.

The sea serves as a frontier where heroic tales, ambition, and the spirit of adventure mingle. …Yeah, enough of that philosophical nonsense.

An expansive beach stretched as far as the eye could see, its fine white sand pristine. Crystal-clear azure waters lapped gently between our legs.

The shallow beach formed a tranquil basin of translucent water so calm it seemed one could walk across to the visible horizon.

The placid, southern sea was ripple-free, a perfect reflection of unspoiled nature—save for one disturbance. Someone, perhaps attempting a crawl or butterfly stroke, traversed the inlet energetically, much like a puppy at play.

“Woo-hoo, the sea is amazing! I’ve swum before, but it’s never been like this!”

Joey shouted with delight while swimming, which he had been doing tirelessly for over an hour. He certainly had stamina to burn.

After seemingly tiring of the sea, Joey finally noticed me playing with a crab near the shore. He swam over and, with a splash, abruptly emerged from the water to stand before me.

“Hey, aren’t you going to swim, Hiyuki?”

He was clad in a simple trunk-like swimsuit, leaving his upper body bare. Contrary to the frail impression he often gave in clothes, his torso was surprisingly sculpted with well-defined muscles, which became evident as he emerged from the water.

I looked away, uncomfortable at the sight. Muscles had always been my Achilles’ heel, given my lack of strength in my previous life—a result of poor nutrition. Memories of my humiliating defeats in arm wrestling, against opponents ranging from women older than XX to 12-year-old girls, still haunted me.

“It’s fine, I’m content just watching from here, so don’t worry about me. Go enjoy your swim, maybe even free dive or catch some amberjack. It’s a rare opportunity to enjoy a beach that once belonged to royalty.”

I quickly encouraged Joey to return to his activities, casting a glance at Maroudo, the beach’s former owner, lounging under a palm tree. Noticing my look, he waved back, champagne in hand, dressed casually in a hoodie and tank top.

This was his way of enjoying the cool scenery, a necessity ever since he became a vampire. Though he still possessed some resistance to sunlight, the intense southern sun seemed to sting his skin, forcing him to seek refuge in the shade.

I had applied sunscreen, but it offered little relief from the sun’s rays. Fortunately, my fair and pale skin meant I wouldn’t turn into a suntanned spectacle, though it did little to prevent the eventual sting.

Meanwhile, Tengai and the others, also clad in racing swimsuits, were engaged in a beach volleyball match I had introduced them to. However, with a playing field stretching 500 meters and an intense atmosphere, it bore little resemblance to the volleyball I once knew.

“Eh, but I’ve been swimming this whole time. Anyway, let’s swim together. Aren’t you here to swim too?”

With a skeptical gaze, Joey examined my attire—a rose-themed bikini with a frilled skirt. My hair was tied up to prevent any interference while swimming. Despite looking like an ordinary swimsuit, it was gear from «E.H.O» that offered considerable defense.

“Well, um, swimming wasn’t really the plan. I’m actually here for work—yes, that’s it, I’m on a task! I really don’t have time to play.”

“Hmm, maybe you can’t swim?”

I was trying to deflect when he cut straight to the heart of the matter.

“Well… actually, yes. Vampires can’t cross flowing water—it’s a racial trait.”

“Liar. Why not just admit you can’t swim?”

Without hesitation, Joey rebutted immediately after I finished.

—Why the hell are you between the lines so perfectly?!

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Not all the boys near the beach can swim, and it’s common for girls too. Besides, it’s beautiful here and the water isn’t deep, a little practice wouldn’t hurt, right?”

As he spoke, Joey moved five meters into the water from the beach, yet the water remained below his knees.

Maybe I should join him? Despite my irritation at being beckoned like a cat, I calmed myself and walked towards him.

“Whoa, your hand and leg are moving in sync… and is that sweat? You really aren’t good at this—wait, are you scared of water?”

“Hehe, what a funny thing to say. Nothing in the world scares me. You goof.”

“Are you even hearing yourself?”

“This should be enough. I’ve got my fill of sea-vitamin, I’m going back now!”

I turned to leave, but Joey grabbed my hand.

“Hey, it’s barely been a minute. Let me teach you the flutter kick. Let’s go a bit deeper.”

The flutter kick… it’s a technique where you’re face down in the water, kicking to propel yourself, right?

“I’m fine! Even if there’s a threat, I can just run on the water’s surface!”

Yeah, I don’t need to swim at all!

“Just because you don’t need to doesn’t mean you shouldn’t learn. At least pick up the flutter kick, and maybe the dog paddle too, for emergencies.”

Joey began pulling me towards the deeper water. I braced myself, ready to use my strength to resist; clearly, he stood no chance against my physical strength.


As I was about to shake him off, he suddenly scooped me up in his arms in a classic princess carry.

“H-Hey, Joey! What are you doing!?”

Flustered, I tried to wriggle free from his arms, but he whispered, “You’ll fall headfirst into the water if you keep struggling,” causing my body to stiffen reflexively.

“Good, now let’s head to a deeper area for some training.”

Without hesitation, he forcefully carried me toward the open sea, trudging through the waves.

“Just why……”

I glared at him with teary eyes, but Joey seemed unfazed, even excited, skipping a little as he walked. I looked for help from our companions, but they were engrossed in a vigorous game of volleyball, completely oblivious to my plight. My last hope, Maroudo, vanished as I watched him being carried away on a stretcher by maids, a victim of heatstroke.

This should be deep enough—”

While I was distracted seeking help, Joey had moved us to an area where the water was deep enough to reach his chest. He was clearly intent on getting me into deeper water!

“Alright, I’ve got you. Just put your face in the water and try to keep your eyes open.”
“I can’t do that!”
“Relax, it’ll only take a minute to get used to it.”
“No, no, never, it’s absolutely impossible!”
“Just give it a try, it’s easier than you think.”
“That’s what all boys say!”
“Sheesh, there you go with your nonsense again. Let’s just do this. Start.”

Ignoring my protests, Joey unilaterally decided to proceed, lowering his stance.


Suddenly, I was submerged in the water.

—While it might look like we were just playing around at a beach resort, the reality was somewhat different.

Wait, did it really look like we were having a blast? Impossible, it must have been a hallucination from being thrust into a life-or-death situation. As flashbacks swirled before my eyes, I reflected on where it all began—a few days ago, shortly after we resolved the mess with Shima—


“The pirate ship, eh?” Hiyuki tilted her head, a look of puzzlement crossing her face.

The disturbance had been resolved back at its origin, and the repairs to the Hanging Garden were complete. In a lavish reception room of the «Scarlet Jade Castle», a few dignitaries engaged in casual conversation as though they were at a friend’s home.

Among the visitors adhering to a regular schedule were King Collard of the Amitia Republic and Revan, the provisional leader of the Cress Freedom United Nation. Joining them for the first time was Princess Oliana, the heir apparent to the Graviol Empire.


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