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Chapter 25 – The Dawn of Divine (Part 2)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Tanaka English Source: Re:Library

“Keep the item Miss Hiyuki gave you close at hand, so you can use it immediately if needed. It’s risky to keep it in your space inventory,” Lubbock cautioned Tamegoro in a hushed tone, as though he feared the walls might be listening.

Tamegoro nodded, retrieving a palm-sized vial from her space inventory. After inspecting the reddish-black liquid inside, she slipped it securely into her pocket.

“I understand. I’ll use it the moment I’m cornered to ensure Miss Hiyuki’s efforts weren’t in vain,” she declared solemnly, then broke into a playful smile. “But really, you claimed you ‘won the bet’? That’s quite a boast for someone who didn’t manage to land even a scratch on her, despite wielding nine swords.”

“But I didn’t lose either. At the very least, it was a draw.”

Lubbock responded with an awkward expression, which sounded more defensive than convincing, prompting an ‘oh, really?’ look from Tamegoro.

“The typical boy thing, huh? Of course, you wouldn’t admit to losing to a girl.”
“Hey, I already said I didn’t lose!”

For a moment, her teasing laughter and his irritated voice reverberated throughout the small room.


“Truly, I can’t thank you enough. You ladies arrived just in the nick of time.”

In the guest room of the Scarlet Jade Castle, Kagerou launched into a monologue of his recent exploits, unbidden, while devouring the provided food and tea voraciously. He had made himself completely at home—then again, this guild home was practically his own.

Tengai and the others looked equally troubled as they gathered around Kagerou, their eyes turning to me in search of direction. Uncertain of the best course of action, I hesitated to make a decision.

“Can you believe it? I had specifically headed north to escape the unbearable heat and engage in some honest merchant work. Suddenly, I was encircled by high-ranking officials, accusing me of being a swindler and a criminal. I was nearly imprisoned! At my wit’s end, I looked skyward for guidance— and there it was, the Sky Garden. It felt like a sign from above, so I threw a Thread towards it and climbed up with all the strength I could muster.”

“Such a cliché, straight out of ‘The Spider’s Thread’—Kandata much?” I mused silently but aloud, I steered the conversation back on track, asking, “So, what exactly were you doing as a merchant?”

“Ah, that’s merely a sideline. Initially, I bought a water purification device for two gold coins, set up a membership model, and introduced it to the public. A single member could generate about 50 silver coins.”

“Isn’t that a pyramid scheme?”

“No, it’s called multi-level marketing. I’m not peddling dreams here; it’s a legitimate business.”

Kagerou responded with a wave of his right hand, his tone tinged with disappointment. Despite my lingering doubts, I took a moment to bow in gratitude for his crucial role in apprehending Shima.

“Well, I’m not entirely convinced. Regardless, I suspect you’re making the most of the situation. Nevertheless, I’m truly grateful for your assistance. It was crucial in helping us seal Shima, and for that, I thank you.”

“Heh, sincere gratitude isn’t something I encounter often.”

I suspect it’s due to your unusual habits.

“By the way, what became of Shima’s body?”

“It’s not exactly a corpse; more like suspended animation. We’ve encased the body in an ice coffin, chilled to -500 degrees Celsius—strong enough to resist even your Thirteen Demon Generals. This coffin is secured within the Sky Garden’s Cocytus, home to Father Frost and Jack Frost.”

Kagerou looked perplexed as he sipped his post-dinner tea.

“Minus 500 degrees? Are the laws of physics just a suggestion here?”

I suppose it’s silly to question physics after everything we’ve seen in this otherworldly place.

“Regardless, Shima’s chapter is closed. What remains is addressing the survivors and restoration of the Yuz Grand Duchy, which falls to Revan and May Bell Oliana.”

“Speaking of which, the operation involved both the Empire and the Holy Kingdom, with the Empire leading, correct? What if the Holy Kingdom decided to manipulate that boy under your protection, or perhaps even the princess, to seize the Yuz territory?”

“They’ve implied that the restoration and its challenges are burdens, thus happily leaving the matter in our hands…that’s what the Holy Kingdom of Aeon suggested.”

I hope they’ve learned their lesson.

“What are your plans now?”

“I’m going back to the basics—dropping in somewhere pleasant and picking up my merchant activities.” Kagerou responded, chuckling sheepishly as he scratched his head. Truly, only he knew whether he was being sincere.

“How about working for me instead?”

Tengai and the others looked visibly startled by my suggestion.

“That would depend on the role and the terms you’re offering.” Perhaps he anticipated my response—or maybe he’d come with the intention to offer his services—as Kagerou assumed a thoughtful stance, whistling softly.

“Let’s begin with an information exchange. Can you explain how the Azure God—Devta, the guildmaster of Metabolic Knight, became what he is now?”
“So, you’ve noticed?”
“I was half-expecting you to deny it.”

Clues had been scattered throughout, but it wasn’t until Tamegoro dubbed that mastermind ‘Sly B̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲’ that my suspicions solidified.

On my extensive friends list, he was the only one fitting the description ‘Sly’—a term synonymous with ‘snake,’ often used for the rare dragonfolk and those of ‘Azure scale’.

He had always been the kindest and most caring individual I knew, which left me baffled by the public’s view of him as a merciless Azure God. Perhaps I was wrong, maybe I had missed something crucial… Ultimately, my worst fears were confirmed.

“I’m not sure what transpired. All I know is that he had lost his sanity by the time I arrived.”
“I expected as much. It seems a direct meeting is unavoidable.”

I gazed towards the distant horizon, in the direction of Faximile, the holy capital of the Holy Kingdom of Aeon at the continent’s heart, and quietly affirmed my resolve.


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