Levelmaker Chapter 246

New Chapter!
We’re back in Mephilad, still on the fourth day of Karua’s visit, continuing the “Dress Alim Up”-show from where we left off in chapter 241.

Some more random ramblings:
I’ve been checking the Novel Updates page for Reborn as an FPS Player, which had a few chapters posted here, since the index page here was apparently removed and I wanted to know the original name, so I could find it on Syosetsu (I have a bit of a sweet spot for “fantasy world meets modern weaponry”-stories, so I was curious about it).
Turns out there is someone else translating it who got up to the end of volume 3. The downside is, they needed to put their translation on hold because of university stuff, so there’s no telling when there’ll be new chapters.
So, I decided to try reading the original, fully expecting it to be a slog due to all the new gun/weapon related vocabulary, but while there are a lot of new words to learn, turns out it is much easier to read than Levelmaker, thanks to (so far) better grammar and a lot less typos.
I guess that’s what you get when the author writes a single (if a bit longer) chapter every two weeks and has time to proofread and stuff, instead of pushing out one per day.

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