Levelmaker Chapter 232

New Chapter!
After Kanata wasted time by arguing with one of their instructors last time, will the two kids finally start training with their weapons now?

To take a page out of Robinxen’s book, here’s some ramblings that are not really related to the webnovel:

I’ve been thinking of getting a J-Novel Club account, since you get access to prepub versions of all these series for pretty cheap. Problem is, I really want to read them on my tablet, and the thing is old enough that neither the browser version nor the app run stable (plus there’s the whole “can only read while online” can of worms).

So, I’ve been looking if there’s a way to get them as Epubs instead, for which there apparently is something called jncep on GitHub, but I can’t get the damn thing to work for the life of me. None of the commands listed there seem to work, and I feel like it requires some basic understanding of Python which I’m obviously lacking.

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