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Chapter 77: Hazmat Suit

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Mi Dashuai
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On the girls’ dormitory rooftop, where he’d once struck an unusual deal with spiders, Lin Feng found himself awkwardly clutching his rear.

A day of rest had rejuvenated him, but his grimace resembled someone who’d just downed an extremely sour drink. Each step he took brought forth a weird sensation, something not quite pain but… unsettling.

Soon, a swarm of dainty spiders approached, carrying five hazmat suits. Their presence made Lin Feng’s skin tingle, but they seemed harmless. Treading carefully, he headed towards the suits, ensuring he didn’t squash any of these temporary allies.

“Where’s the chatty one? You know, the boss spider?” Lin Feng’s question was directed at a distinct spider with eye-catching purple patterns. Its central markings, eerily akin to eyes, appeared to study him with surprising depth.

But there was no answer. Then, as if on cue, the spider brigade promptly retreated.

In the periphery of his vision, a tiny spider detached from him, only to be replaced by another just as small.

Lin Feng scratched his head, musing over the absence of the talking spider, whom he had endearingly named Mr. Spider. Shifting his focus to the hazmat suits, he noticed the remnants of past encounters—dark bloodstains. Cleaning them would be quite the task.

Without Mr. Spider around, Lin Feng’s pressing queries remained unresolved. Still, he geared up to uphold his end of the peculiar pact with the enigmatic eight-legged creature.

Upon arriving at the archery hall, Lin Feng was greeted by the familiar sight of Chen De on duty. Over the months, Chen De’s mastery with the spear had become something of a legend in the hall. The fluidity with which he wielded it using just one hand was captivating. Every now and then, Lin Feng would find himself stopping to watch, often vocalizing his admiration for the resilience of humans.

“Lin Feng! Welcome back.”

“Thanks, Chen De. Brought some gear with me. By the way, have you seen Liu Mengqi and the girls? I could use some extra hands.” Lin Feng’s eyes scanned the hall. The protective suits he carried weren’t good to wear yet, and Liu Mengqi and her friends were usually up for cleaning.

“They’re probably with Anna,” replied Chen De, his voice tinged with concern for his little comrade-in-arms. “She’s been through a lot. Not sure how she’s holding up.”

“Don’t worry, with our doctor around, she’ll pull through,” Lin Feng said, trying to comfort Chen De. “I’ll check on her. Thanks for keeping an eye on things here.” As he made his way to Anna’s room, thoughts of her injuries worried him. They weren’t fatal, but infections were a real concern.

Suddenly, Liu Mengqi’s teasing voice reached his ears, “Lin Feng’s tail? Trust me, it’s most sensitive at the base! Haha!”

Realization dawned on him; she was the one sparking the recent jokes about his tail.

“LIU! MENG! QI!” Lin Feng exclaimed, charging into the room and grabbing Liu Mengqi by her cheeks.

She gasped in surprise, “Woah! Why the rush? What’s the big deal?”

“So you’ve been having fun sharing secrets about my tail, huh? And seriously, is it okay for all of you to be hanging out in a sick person’s room?” He released her, taking in the room filled with amused faces.


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