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Chapter 164: Down into the Sewers Once More

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Mi Dashuai
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“Are you okay?” Li Ying asked, concerned, as she gently lifted Lin Feng’s arm to examine it. A look of relief crossed her face upon seeing that the bullet had only grazed his arm.

In that critical moment, Lin Feng had his eyes on a manhole cover beneath the feet of the surrounding zombies. He hoped against hope that it wouldn’t get stuck as it had the last time he tried to use one. Luckily, this time, luck seemed to be on his side.

“Who exactly are those people? They are completely out of control!” Li Ying exclaimed while retrieving a bandage from her bag. She skillfully bandaged Lin Feng’s arm, holding a small, round flashlight in her mouth, and finished it off with a delicate butterfly knot.

“Those people are local gangsters. They’ve seized control of the quarantine station and are now looting for money and valuables, planning to escape when they can,” Lin Feng answered, biting back the pain in his arm.

“They’ve taken over the quarantine station?”

“Yes, at least that was the case when I was there last. The station was filled with gangsters posing as officials, turning away civilians.”

“The gangsters managed to overpower the official forces?” Li Ying was taken aback, quietly starting a voice recorder.

“I’m not sure where they got such high-quality weapons. It could be that there were too few officials assigned to the quarantine station.” Lin Feng noticed Li Ying’s discreet action but chose not to comment on it. He had already identified her as someone with a professional obsession.

“So, your ability to get us into the sewer in just a few seconds, is that part of your powers?”

“Yes, that was due to my ability. It enhances my perception, making time feel as if it’s slowing down, and significantly boosts my reaction speed. Normally, my senses are much keener than an average human’s. My companions have abilities that enhance physical strength. If you’re interested, you might want to visit theuniversity area; it’s teeming with spider-like entities. However, I can’t guarantee your safety there.”

Lin Feng deftly removed the voice recorder from Li Ying’s chest pocket, gave it a quick shake, and hit the pause button.

Li Ying, unperturbed, snatched the recorder back and slipped it into her bag.

“We should follow this sewer route, see if it takes us closer to the police station,” Li Ying suggested, helping Lin Feng to his feet. The dark, damp air of the sewer enveloped them.

“Do you feel it’s a bit warm in here?” Li Ying asked, puzzled, as she removed her gloves, noticing the water in the sewer wasn’t frozen.

“Be careful. I’ve encountered this type of situation before, and it seems to be worsening. The entire sewer is heating up,” Lin Feng said, also removing his gloves to feel the surrounding temperature. He wondered if there was an entity, like the spiders, that had undergone strange evolution and now occupied the sewer.


The sound of a frog drew their attention.

“A frog!” Li Ying exclaimed, picking up a rock, ready to strike.

“Hold on a second!” Lin Feng stopped her.

“What are you trying to do? You’re not scared of frogs, are you?” Lin Feng asked, taking the rock from her hand. The warm air and the presence of the frog seemed interconnected. In a world where even the most innocuous creatures could mutate, Lin Feng believed it best not to provoke any beings, no matter how unassuming they might seem.

“No, it’s not that. Frogs are rich in protein, calcium, and phosphorus. They’re really nutritious, especially for someone of your age, and they taste quite good,” Li Ying said, her eyes alight with anticipation.

Lin Feng, rendered speechless, tossed the rock aside. As it landed, the stagnant water in the sewer began to stir violently.


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