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Chapter 119 – Post-fight cleanup

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Author: Resn Original Source: Kakuyomu
Translator: Nomad English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

Comment: these girls are crazy

Comment: How many did the two of them kill just now..?

Comment: these girls are crazy

Comment: these girls are crazy

Comment: Hinagiku-chan was merciless…

The viewers were going wild, flooding the chat with comments. Watching two young girls in swimsuits beat up a group of players wasn’t something they saw every day. And not long after…

Northern Demon Lord: I knew something fun would happen eventually, lol

Eastern Blue Dragon: Crim never disappoints, as always.







“Go away, both of you!!” Crim shouted angrily at the two Demon Lords who were also watching her. Hanging from her neck was a sign that read:

“I got carried away and used an ultimate spell.”

She sat on the ground, clearly sulking.

In the world of Destiny Unchain Online, almost everything was destructible, including cities, with the exception of massive structures like the World Tree Seyfert or Wyndham’s Central Tower. Crim’s ultimate spell, [Grim Scythe], had so much power that it destroyed the buildings around her, including all the loot and event items within them. To make matters worse, her inventory had filled with loot drops from named enemies she didn’t even recognize, adding to the gravity of what she’d done.

Comment: She’s in detention now, lmao

Comment: Even though she did so much, lol

Comment: I mean, she just nuked a bunch of exploration spots

The viewers were poking fun at the situation while Freya lectured Crim.

“You know, Crim, I’ve known you for a long time, and I understand you like challenges like that.”
“But you shouldn’t get carried away and cause trouble for other players, okay?”
“Okay… I’m sorry…”

Crim nodded, looking like a scolded child, while Freya spoke to her like a teacher.

In truth, Crim wasn’t sitting on the ground to play it up for the camera. The game recognized when a player was in a ‘sitting’ position, which increased resource regeneration.

Crim’s ultimate spell had consumed a large amount of MP, and since MP recovery potions were valuable in this event, she was sitting to recover faster, not even thinking about how it might look on stream.

Comment: She’s so weak all of a sudden lol

Comment: I guess it’s more accurate to say that the big sis is too strong instead?

Comment: She’s starting to become weaker in Lua Cheia (in terms of authority)…

Comment: a wife can be a terrifying thing

Comment: Wait, then who’d be the wife here?

“Crim is my wife!!”
“Huh? Wha- Freya?!”

Freya suddenly blurted that out in response to the viewers, hugging Crim tightly, leaving her thoroughly confused.

“I’ll always provide for Crim, and one day, she’ll have my children!”
“W-W-W-Wait! What? Huhh?!”
“It’s okay, Crim, you don’t have to worry about anything, I’ll take care of everything!”
“Wait! What’s even happening?!”

Comment: Wait, where did that come from lmao

Comment: Why would you even say that!!

Comment: I guess even she has lost it by now lol

Comment: And here I thought she was the only sane person in the group!

The viewers weren’t as confused as Crim, and instead, seemed to roll with it. Not knowing what to do, Crim glanced up at Freya, who smiled down at her, making sure the camera didn’t catch her face. In response, Crim’s face flushed a deep red, which Freya had been waiting for, and only then did she release Crim.

“…What the hell are you two doing?”

Just then, Frey returned. He had been verifying the damage caused by Crim’s [Grim Scythe], allowing Crim to finally catch her breath. She still couldn’t tell if Freya had been serious or just putting on a show for the camera.

“I checked the whole area, and I don’t think any regular players got caught in it.”
“I mean, the Player Killers had taken over the spot, so they probably killed all the other players before we arrived.”
“That’s… well, I can’t say that’s good, can I?”

Crim grimaced slightly as she listened to what Lycoris and Kasumi reported when they returned. Though she would have received a notification if she had accidentally harmed other players, she still felt uneasy about the earlier victims. Even if they weren’t her fault, it didn’t feel right to be pleased about the situation. Still, she was relieved that she wasn’t responsible.

“But all the items we could’ve picked up around here are completely ruined. You should really think about what you’ve done.”
“I… I’m sorry.”

Frey tossed some scrap pieces in front of Crim, further reprimanding her. All Crim could do was wallow in shame. But then she realized someone was missing.

“Where’s Hinagiku? I thought you were all together?”
“Ah… She spotted one of the Player Killers who managed to stay hidden and went after him.”
“She looked really happy too.”
“We couldn’t stop her…”
“Ahh… Well, it’s almost lunchtime, so I’ll send her a message to come back.”

Crim shook her head, feeling like the parent of a mischievous child, and began drafting a message. Almost instantly, a reply popped up: “Okay, I’m on my way!” This made her chuckle.

Comment: Don’t look so defeated, Ditzy Lord!

Comment: You’re her master, right? Train her betterrr!!

Comment: She really needs to learn some discipline, doesn’t she…

Comment: Wait, is it me or was there a painful scream in the distance?

Amidst the flood of comments, a distant, horrified scream echoed through the streets, but Crim chose to ignore it.

“Well, that’s it for our morning livestream! We’ll be back at 3 this afternoon, so make sure to eat before then!”

Comment: Yessirr

Comment: Time for fooddd

Comment: I’ll make sure to be here for the rest!

After announcing their plans for the rest of the day and responding to a few more comments from the viewers, Crim ended the livestream. With that done, the group made their way back to the campsite to log out.


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