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DUO Raid Battle information thread part 12

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Author: Resn Original Source: Kakuyomu
Translator: Nomad English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

Released between chapters C74 and C75.


0068: Nameless Adventurer
First impression after fighting the raid boss:
Please step on me, milady.

0069: Nameless Adventurer

That came out of left field. Though I get it.

0070: Nameless Adventurer
Wait…what’s going on?
I have a bunch of friends who also went there, and they all came back saying something about milady?

0071: Nameless Adventurer
They’re all simps of the first boss in the raid dungeon, Milady Adnammelech.
Her personality and looks are like an angel, but she’s merciless like a demon.
And she’s perfect that way

0072: Nameless Adventurer
You know what’s crazy? Even new players are going solo to that dungeon just to see her.
Thanks to that she’s skyrocketed to the #1 place of NPCs that players want to be stepped on by

0073: Nameless Adventurer
I also want her to step on me, but my character is a demon so I don’t have the right…

0074: Nameless Adventurer
Demons do get knocked out instantly…
I really feel like she’s way too hard to be the first boss of the first raid dungeon

0075: Nameless Adventurer
So she’s basically a filter, you only get the right to clear the dungeon if you can defeat her. My hands are trembling now…

0076: Nameless Adventurer
The area looks really pretty though, I’ve actually heard of people who go there just to sightsee. It kinda looks like that tourist spot in England they say might be Avalon.
Sometimes they also end up walking into the boss fight with milady.

0077: Nameless Adventurer
It’s a really weird trap you don’t notice until it’s too late after all…

0078: Nameless Adventurer
Here’s some info I gathered about the Red Lion Emperor’s Twelve Blades by watching the vid of the three Demon Lords going through it.
1: Effie – The Knight Commander. Everyone from the forums is worried about this guy, since he’s at the limits of how strong a human can dream of being.
2: Gallitsur – Swordmaster grandpa, he’s strong
3: Chiel – Holy grandma, she’s strong
4: El – Evil boss sidekick #1
5: Cichol – Evil boss sidekick #2
6: Elha – Evil boss, almost as beautiful as milady
7: Adonis – The chad’s option #1. She’s a tsundere, and cute. Many want to be harassed by her
8: Elohim – The chad’s option #1. Idk why they had to make him hot too
9: El Chai – The chad. He’s cool
10: Adnammelech – Milady who hates demons. Kinda like a hot teacher. Tbh this is probably the hardest fight. Currently the NPC almost everyone wants to step on them
And 11 and 12 are unknown

0079: Nameless Adventurer
I just realized that it looks a lot like the Tree of Life nodes. That would mean the 11th might be Da’at, but why is there a 12th?

0080: Nameless Adventurer
Compilation of Milady Adnammelech’s fight:
Easy fight in the start. She’s so kind.
At around 80% HP, she starts using the AoE attack Judgment. She always shouts when she’s using it though, so she’s still kind.
The attacks are small circles that appear around eight random targets. The damage isn’t shared between multiple players, so if you try stacking you’ll die. Even a tank will die after 3 times.
At 50% HP she starts using the sweep attack High-Low Slash, which covers the entire arena. She also tells you when she’s using it, so she’s still kind.
There’s two types, one that starts in the middle and goes out, another starts on the outer edge and moves to the center. You die if it hits you.
At 20% she uses her ultimate Paradise Lost. She also tells you when she’s using it, so milady never stops being kind to us.
If you’re with the rear guard you can stay safe in the outer edge, but there’s a sweep attack around there in the end, so you should run into the center at that point, or you’ll die.
If you’re in the center, you have to move out in staggered steps, if you miss the timing and stay behind you die, if you move forward too quickly you’ll die.

0081: Nameless Adventurer

Thx. Also it feels like all her attacks can kill you instantly.

0082: Nameless Adventurer
I still haven’t tried fighting her, but she didn’t look that hard to fight?
I feel like there were way more punishing AoE attacks in retro MMOs

0083: Nameless Adventurer
Tip: The official video was recorded from a top-down view

0084: Nameless Adventurer
Try doing all of that from a purely first person perspective, it’s like a different world.
…A world that is literal hell!!

0085: Nameless Adventurer
Even the multi-target AoE attacks activate faster than you can look around to see who else got targeted. It’s also harder to look at the indicators when they’re flat against the floor.

0086: Nameless Adventurer
At least the AoE patterns are really simple, so you can get used to them. It’s also given me more time to form a stronger bond with Milady Adnammelech.
The scarier part are her regular attacks. She moves so fast that it’s almost impossible to dodge, so you need a tank with a shield. If she aggros on someone else their heads will go on vacation from their body, so be careful.

0087: Nameless Adventurer

Noooo, that just means we’ll die either way!!

0088: Nameless Adventurer
Me and my guild actually got through Milady Adnammelech. But all 15 of us were human, so we got stuck in the final fight.
We’re about to have a meeting to discuss how we get there with a different party composition.

0089: Nameless Adventurer
When you put it that way, the three Demon Lords’ guilds got through in their second try, so it’s not just the Demon Lords themselves who are crazy strong…

0090: Nameless Adventurer
We got through the first ordeal.
There were three enemies as the second boss encounter, but they said that milady is the strongest of the twelve blades.
…Also, Adonis-tan looked around all spooked when she appeared, but then she sighed with relief when she couldn’t find something? And then she greeted us like nothing happened. What’s up with that?

0091: Nameless Adventurer

Tip: Watch the official vid

0092: Nameless Adventurer

Oh no, Adonis got traumatized by our Ditzy Lord lmaooo
Poor thing

0093: Nameless Adventurer
I have no idea what the leader of Nord told her that time, but she really got mad. She was so merciless that she stopped being a Ditzy Lord and actually became a Demon Lord.
Adonis-tan just got caught in the crossfire after that. Poor thing was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

0094: Nameless Adventurer
Those two looked like their souls had been sucked out of them after the fight lol
And the two demon lords had to sit and reconsider…

0095: Nameless Adventurer
Adonis was supposed to act like a pretty but arrogant princess, but they broke her character… But that’s also what made so many people want her to insult them. She even got a dedicated thread faster than milady lol

0096: Nameless Adventurer
I’ve never seen that Absolute Defense barrier though. I guess it’s just there to stop them from cutting the boss’ head off.
Though it makes sense, it’d be weird if you could instakill a humanoid boss like that.

0097: Nameless Adventurer
Trying to have one person on each side option like the Demon Lords was a mistake. We couldn’t get rid of even half of the Absolute Defense barrier’s durability.
It really made me realize how crazy strong those two are.

0098: Nameless Adventurer
For the second fight I think it’s best to have the main forces focus on the chad, while smaller but still decently strong groups take on the other two.
In the third fight having three equally sized groups is the way to go.
They’re all still strong, but if you know how to fight them they’re a piece of cake compared to milady.

0099: Nameless Adventurer
I think the final fight really highlights how crazy strong the Ditzy Lord is
Only the Demon Lords are able to ignore the fight’s gimmick and wail away like that.

0100: Nameless Adventurer
She turned into a pocketable Ditzy Lord after that though lmao
She looked so pitiful lol

0101: Nameless Adventurer
It was even funnier when she tripped while walking away. She fell straight on her head lol
(URL redacted)

0102: Nameless Adventurer

I knew someone would clip that lol
That hit looked painful af tho

0103: Nameless Adventurer
A hit like that could kill you irl lmao
It’s only funny because it’s in a game, luckily for her. But her whimper was so funny that I can’t stop laughing even though I feel like I shouldn’t lol

0104: Nameless Adventurer
You can tell she was in a lot of pain from how she couldn’t form a coherent word though. There was a time I fell from my bike and hit my head and acted just like that. I could barely think.

0105: Nameless Adventurer
There were those groans, but the way she gasped for air after that…it was obvious she was in excruciating pain…
I can’t, just thinking of it makes my balls shrivel.

0106: Nameless Adventurer
I mean sure, but the way she rolled around was so cute…way too cute lmao
I guess there’s some demerits to turning small after all

0107: Nameless Adventurer
It’s true that the Demon Lords’ stupid strength did the heavy lifting, but I think their main tank Lueger deserves some respect too. He doesn’t have any title like the rest but he held on until the end.

0108: Nameless Adventurer
I never noticed in PvP, but I can tell that tanks are important too after watching that raid dungeon vid. I’m sure we’ll see a lot more of them now, so maybe it’s finally the time for tanks to become popular

0109: Nameless Adventurer
To be honest I mostly want to see the step where the Ditzy Lord tripped, but I wonder what kind of person the Red Lion Emperor is. Let’s imagine what they’re like

(They just discussed what they expected the Red Lion Emperor to look like, so those messages have been omitted.)


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