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Chapter 131 – Difference

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Author: Tensei Mikami Original Source: Syosetu Word Count: 2269 characters
Translator: Jiro English Source: Re:Library Word Count: 834 words
Editor(s): Robinxen

The orange sky soon took on a purple hue. While the sun was still setting, the stars twinkled in the sky like shattered glass beads, and on the ground, oil lamps dotted around the city, shining their soft light.

Smoke from the chimneys of houses as far as the eye could see extended into the sky, signaling the preparation of the evening meals.

Peace would be the word used to describe that scene alone.

In the dusky sky, a black silhouette of a Demon stood out. Bat wings and a goat head adorned his slender stretched arms and legs. He was dressed in a tailcoat even darker than black, and every time his body swung, a black flame flickered from his body.

Wearer of Death (Levi Zedia Iggy Bedy1).

The named Upper Rank Demon observed the dismayed people of the Lower World with interest.

Four eyes, with split irises, were fitting into the goat’s head, showing a grotesque red color. The four eyes with split irises moved about busily, giving those who saw the Demon the impression that it was even more deformed.

The goat laughed. Contrary to his appearance, he had an innocent, child-like sneer in his voice.

Then, shakily holding out its twig-like right arm to Ulbdor, a single seed spilled from the goat’s palm. The seed pulsated erratically, trailing a crimson tail as it was sucked into the city.

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

The northern area of Ulbdor The place was filled with screams and the stench of blood. Powerless citizens fled to the center of the city, terror-stricken. They were pursued by countless wolves.

However, these wolves were nothing more than imitations. They were far from real wolves. They were covered with jet-black furs and had six eyes. Their entire bodies were marked with distorted, mottled patterns, emitting an odor reminiscent of putrid decay. It was clear that these creatures were not just wolves, but Demons. Nevertheless, some dared to refer to them as wolves.

The starving wolves pushed down citizens who failed to escape, swarming in by the dozens to devour their flesh and blood. Demons possessed no concept of reason, taking lives indiscriminately, from the slow-footed old men and women to the children.

Outraged men valiantly attempted to defend against them, but how could they combat Demons when they lacked knowledge of warfare? Tragedy begot more tragedy, and death brought forth even more death.

Amidst this hellish scene, Seletina and Lichter ran against the current, right in the middle of the chaos. The boulevard had already turned into a muddy stream of people. They made their way across the rooftops of houses, heading deeper into this nightmarish abyss.

“I don’t see any Winged Demons. Just where did they spring up from?” Seletina inquired, her teeth clenched.
Lichter responded without shifting his gaze, “Perhaps there’s a mother figure, like with the Giant Spider, or something simply brought them here.”
“So we just need to get rid of the source.”
“Whatever it is, it’s a Demon that can easily leap over the guarded gate. I’m getting excited.”
“Excited? You do understand the situation, right?”
“Of course. A strong enemy came here and we’re about to kill it. Seems simple enough to me.”

Lichter grinned broadly as he drew the kukri knives from the sheaths on his legs, humming while inspecting their blades.

He was overly optimistic about the whole thing.

“Lichter. This is war. I appreciate your level-headedness, but you need to be more cautious.”
“What’s with the scolding attitude?”
“We’ve come all this way to protect the citizens. You can’t afford to be so–”
“To protect?”

Lichter was too shocked to contemplate Seletina’s words.

“What are you talking about?”

His expression clearly conveyed his confusion. A significant disparity in perspective was evident between Seletina and Lichter. Lichter chuckled, shocked by the whole thing.

“And here I wasn’t planning on making a big deal out of it…”
“What are you talking about? Aren’t you a knight?”
“A knight? I am one… But isn’t it normal for the weak to be killed by the strong? I honestly don’t give a damn whether the people here live or die.” Lichter responded. There was no pretense in his optimistic tone.

He was forthright in speaking his truth. It was then that Seletina realized that she had misjudged Lichter’s character. He wasn’t a man who wielded his weapon for the sake of others or felt moved by the plight of the weak.

So, for what purpose did Lichter wield his weapon? Why had he come to Ulbdor?

Did he really come here just because he was curious…?

Seletina refused to believe it. There was always an underlying motivation within anyone willing to risk their life. But in the case of Lichter…

“If that’s all, I’m going to cause some chaos over there.”

Lichter declared without waiting for Seletina’s response, and then vanished from the rooftop. His steps were too carefree for someone entering such a hellish situation, and his words were too frivolous.



  1. TL/N: Here we go again with the named Demons. I’m seriously having a crisis each time we get to one. I decided on a slightly shorter and more usable name this time around. However, the literal translation for this named demon would be: The one who comes from darkness and wears death.
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