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The Invitation to the Capital and the Single Portrait (Part 2)

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Author: Sasaki Ichiro Original Source: Syosetu
Translator: Mab English Source: Re:Library
Editor(s): Silva

On the other hand, Bruno had been energetically training as well. Apparently, he and Lynn would both turn 13 next year and at that time, they’d be registered as E-rank adventurers. The adventurer ranks range from A to F, with F being accessible to just about anyone. However, moving up to E-rank is seen as the first significant milestone.

To make a living as a full-time adventurer, one needs to be at least C-rank or higher. There are even A-rank, S-rank, and SS-rank, but those who’ve reached that level are considered legends. So for now, they’re aiming for C-rank with a practical and grounded approach.

Lastly, and we’ve come to the main point, the topic Luke casually brought up and what ultimately led to today’s visit — the discussion about studying abroad we’ve had earlier.

“I also want to settle that matter until it’s fully resolved, but my father has been pretty stubborn and I can’t quite get his agreement. In the end, we compromised with me studying abroad in Livitium’s Imperial Academy for three years.”

Luke sighed with a bitter expression. The ‘matter’ that he talked about likely referred to his intent to break off his engagement with the (fake) Princess Syltianna. However, Mr. Eilmer was true to his character…with how delicate the matter was, he wouldn’t immediately give a yes. That’s only natural.

“I will be transferred to the high school section for 13-year-olds, but it seems like they plan to enroll the princess in the same academy. They probably want to create a situation that will make it hard for me to break off the engagement.1 …of course, I’m firmly against it, but I don’t know how much freedom I’ll have in the Central Capital. I hardly know the place after all.”

Well, it’s their home ground, after all. Moreover, as sincere as he is, Luke is pretty much a sheltered prince ignorant of the world. The outcome is quite predictable.

“That’s when my father presented another condition. He was concerned about me going alone, so he suggested that you, Jill, will be coming with us as an exchange student. —In fact, I believe he already has you fill the recommendation slot with the approval of the academic council.”

“ …that’s the part I don’t quite understand. —Besides, I’ve had no formal schooling, not to mention that I’ve never received a proper education, you know?!” I mean, Regina taught me like a Spartan back in the Tenebrae Nemus, and Ms. Christy is teaching me personally every now and then. Still, it’s all private education, and I believe it diverges quite significantly from standard schooling.

Hearing that, Luke blinked repeatedly with a puzzled look on his face.

“Uh, you don’t know? Jill, you…or rather, the daughter of Baroness Brandmüller is quite famous in the Imperial Academy, you know? Professor Christy brought your essays on fertilizers and magical studies to the academy, and they always create buzz. You’re a bit of a household name now.”

I almost jumped out of my seat in surprise. Still leaning forward, I turned my head to Royce the steward. He smiled all calm like and nodded at me.

“Yes. After reviewing the reports you’ve written, the madam would periodically submit them to the academy. As Sir Lucas mentioned, the professors at the academy hold your reports in high regard.”
“Why would they?!”

By reports, they mean the assignments Miss Christy told me to write, right? I thought she just wanted to check the progress of my studies. Never in my wildest imagination did I expect she would submit them to the Imperial Academy… I mean, I know that she used to be a professor there, I just didn’t think that my reports would be regarded so highly.

“Uwah…so embarrassing.” It’s almost like my own personal diary was being passed around, so shameful.

“Wow! You’ve become the talk of the Imperial Academy, that’s our Lady Jill alright!” Eren exclaimed excitedly, her eyes shining. Monika and Luke wore wry smiles, impressed yet slightly sympathetic. The other four didn’t quite grasp the situation, tilting their heads with puzzled expressions.

“Because of that, my father nominated you to fill in one of the exchange student slots. Well, even if it wasn’t for the exchange program, I’m sure you’d be accepted into the academy as a scholar student, Jill.”

Luke endorsed. To be honest, though, I’m not exactly thrilled.

“I mean, even if some people I don’t know are praising me in a place I don’t know, it doesn’t change anything, does it?” I expressed my candid thoughts, and several people nodded in agreement. “Besides, it’s a matter of great importance. I can’t make the decision on my own. I’d like to talk to Lady Christy and, if possible, Sir Eilmer first.”

This whole thing about studying abroad felt so abrupt and forceful. It’s unreasonable.

I mean, what’s the deal with sending your son to study abroad just because you want to change his mind? Or because you’re worried about his personal life, so you recommend someone you’re familiar with to accompany him? It’s as if he’s deciding things without considering the feelings of the individuals involved… This isn’t an idol anime where you can go “I brought a friend to audition and we both passed☆ Nyahaha!” That’s just absurd!

No wait, it’s Sir Eilmer we’re talking about. There has to be something more to it.

“At the very least, I’d like to hear Sir Eilmer’s reasoning in detail.”

I expressed my wish to Luke, but then, he immediately looked troubled, his eyes darting around.

“Err, I’d want that too, but… Well, how do I say this? There’s this minor misunderstanding, and because of that, my parents are on the verge of divorce…? I really don’t want to expose my family’s dirt, but I really think that, out of anyone, you really shouldn’t visit our house right now, Jill.”

That’s an oddly cryptic way of speaking as if the words were stuck in his throat. But for some reason, it seemed like it was related to me, or at least that’s the nuance I was getting. When I tilted my head in confusion, Luke closed his eyes momentarily and then, with a determined look, scanned the people around us.

“What I’m about to discuss might be related to Jill’s private matters, so if possible I’d like to be left alone with her.”

Upon hearing his words, Lynn quickly said, “Uh, I should leave then,” and got up from her seat. However, the others remain seated, watching Luke with consternation.

“It’s all right. Everyone here is my close friend. You can trust them.”

I said, shrugging lightly. Luke, with an air of determination, took out a slightly faded book with a leather cover from his bag — wait, no, that looks like an album.

“…this is a portrait of a certain woman my father was infatuated with when he was younger. Apparently, he still cherished it, but my mother discovered it the other day, and it became the cause of their argument.”

Despite being a matter of someone else’s family, the mention of romantic intrigue caught everyone’s attention, especially the women, who watched with keen interest as Luke silently flipped open the album’s dark, muted cover and turned the blank pages until he reached the desired page.

What was there was a portrait that looked almost like a photograph of a woman around the age of 20, dressed in robes dominated by white and purple.

Pale golden hair with a hint of cherry blossom, slightly intense aquamarine eyes, pure white snow-like skin, pink lips — every feature seemed perfectly calculated and formed, creating an astonishing level of sheer perfection in true beauty. While she appeared to be an almost unapproachable sacred figure, her gentle expression contradicted this impression.


I, and probably Royce who had also guessed the true identity of that person, were left speechless. Meanwhile, with curiosity brimming, the others peered into the album and began to express their amazement and admiration with words of praise.

“Uwaah, so pretty!”
“She’s beautiful…is this even a real human?!”
“Hah. Must be the painter’s original creation.”
“You think so? Look at the flower drawn on the margin of the painting, that’s an accurate illustration of a cattleya.”
“Huh? Have I seen this person before…?”

Eren remarked when she peeked from behind me after everyone was back to their seats. That was when everyone, except Lynn, blinked as if they just connected the dots, and—


They looked at me and then gasped in unison.

“Eh? What?”

Lynn looked absolutely flustered, unable to keep up with the rest. As for me, I tried my darndest to fake a whistle and avert my eyes from their gaze, despite no sound coming out.



  1. Mab: HANG ON
    A prince….breaking off engagement….in academy…for a “””commoner””” that he loves….

    When did this become an otome game?

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